Always a Wasp

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Messages - Hymenoptera

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Hymenoptera:- I don't know how you get 'Wolly' from Wolstenholme. Sounds like an attempt to be derogatory. His nickname is 'Wusty'. I am sure you will correct me if I am wrong ;)
You are wrong, I don't do derogatory. ..anyway, it's spelt wally.
Regardless, policing not required unless your his dad or his girlfriend.

I must admit I would play Hougaard at 9. Tigers aren’t anywhere near full strength but are a team full of confidence, which makes a big difference.

I think we will still lose but not as much as I thought originally

There will be a lot of kicking from Leicester.
Maybe the coaching staff thought the wise old head of Hougaard on the wing, communicating with younger guys around him in Crossdale and Spink, makes sense for this game.

And it makes sense to keep Wolstenholme at 9, if the players around him have just got used to his style and communication. No point changing yet another position at this moment in time, after the run of games he’s just had.

I’m hoping for a closely fought contest.
Except the first suggestion hasn't happened yet and Wolly isn't playing well enough to start...applying that logic means Robson, who is also a better 9, wouldn't start..

Disappointed to see Wolstenholme at 9 again. I'd have had Mehon with Hoog at 9

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Meiheizen rumour
« on: January 06, 2022, 01:41:10 PM »
Edited to add: Wild, unfounded speculation time, but Shields off to Saints (IIRC Shields' contract is up this year) to replace Tom Wood (not announced he's retiring but signed an extension last season to keep him at Franklins Gardens this season) and join up with his old coach in Boydy.

So is that your own theory/speculation or has this come from somewhere else? I heard this a season or so ago, and still unsure whether it would have weight to it or not.

I could possibly see this happening, might want to cash in as much as possible for what could be his last deal. Can see Saints offering him more money than us, work with Boyd again and possibly won’t have to move house.

We know he is massively valued at wasps though, given the captaincy over our previous vice captains, a quality example when training and very experienced now.

I think we have enough in the squad to cover him, especially if Fifita plays 6 and Nemo plays more and have a whole heap of youngsters coming through in the back row to replace a name in the roster but Shields would probably still be my first name on the team sheet just for all the dirty work he does.
Erm, Boyd apparently stepping aside end of season, so that wouldn't be a factor. And Shields would require more than "Wood' money.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: TRP
« on: January 03, 2022, 10:10:52 PM »
Agree about the backs. I think Koch is the right signing. With him and West in tandem I see us dominating a fair few up front which might win us games in itself. Backs wise I can’t see Hougaard staying. This year was convenient for him to stay in the UK but I think he’ll move on - probably along with Mills, Watson, Minozzi and Fekitoa.  If Miller stays fit between him, Crossdale and Mehson plus Simonds we’re OK there. Wings wise we have to start seeing the likes of Anderson and Bacon before judging what we need there but we’re probably OK. So I think we’ll need a 9. And we’ll need three new centres. I think Odogwu will be played at 13 and I like the look of Spink (but he also struggles fitness wise). I do think Gopperth will play another year but for me we’ll need two new 12’s. I’d take either of the James brothers at Sale or try and tempt Redpath from Bath. Not too sure what’s available in the SH but I’m sure we’re looking.
I know nothing of Bacon or Anderson, I wasn't sure if Mehson played 15 either. You mention Redpath which is a good shout but having been bought out, i think he's tied up for some time, but from Bath, De glanville looks a fine player.
I think the best players have been found when the net has been cast further, looking in or around the prem is lazy recruiting and will get you what your expecting. A Du Preez, Weise, Nandolo, Nayavaro, Rona...or the next versions.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: TRP
« on: January 03, 2022, 04:46:27 PM »
I think our back's need a proper revamp...I'm happy with the forwards.

13 -Dog should not be considered a 13, he has one mode and that's trying to beat the defender, he has no kicking game, isn't a distributor, def can't read a game and quite frankly can be narrow sighted at times. He has to remain on the wing.
Fek's - as much as I like the guy, I also don't think him moving on is a bad idea, he does some good but hasn't been consistent enough for the $ he'll command.
Spink - Looks like he could develop, haven't seen enough yet.

12 - Mills used to be the best 12 in England, when he wasn't injured, only problem is he has been injured most of his career, he's 12's Henry Trinder. His contract was a gamble, which didn't pay off sadly. I don't know what Ryan Mills of 2022 provides but I'm tired of players that are unfortunately constantly injured/unavailable.
Gop - I wonder if it's now a season too far, he looks fit but his game savvy seems to be evading him. He used to control games, not so much these days.

Of the other notables:
Minnozi just hasn't hit the highs of his pre ACL play and I'm not sure he has lived up to his billing.
Watson, still a 7's player in 15's, requires space to provide anything special and constantly injured.
Kiberige i'm torn on, I still can't figure out if he's good enough..he perplexes me.
Mehon - I'd like to see more of what this guy has, early glimpses, he looks alright.
Miller is a tough one, the most injured man in rugby based on minutes played - yet when fit he covers multiple positions and is decent at them all...but just never available.
Wolstenholm - Has to be considered 4th choice, behind Hoogs then Porter.
Booj - 12/13 cover, nothing more.

I'd like to bring in either of the Cardiff centers or their equivalent, pacific islanders that have gain line, offloads and rugby IQ to read the game and see opportunities. SA must have more Delandes, Eusterhaeizens...just below Intl standard?
Worc's Oli Morris looks a real player, likely contracted but i'd love a sniff around him.
As a point of differnec, what about Nayavoira from Saints, isn't playing and I dont think he was used correctly, but he is a point of difference and rumored to be on the move.

We need players that can do more than just take a ball, take contact or ship it on. I'm desperate for some creativity, a WLR, Beale that isn't quite at the elite level...they must be out there.

Lastly..Is Kock the right move. Great player no argument, but is it an area that we need to be improving by spending what is likely a lot of money for someone that wont be available for large chunks of the year. I struggle to believe this makes sense. again, SA must have more Kock's just under the top 3 slots?

I think our recruitment needs some real focus this year, if contracts are up.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Sale Sharks v Wasps: Post match thoughts.
« on: January 01, 2022, 06:14:04 PM »
I beginning think that Tempest and Smales = GG and JPD.

I think you have to add Hodnett to Tempest and Smales on today's showing.
Hodnett was surely still pissed..a couple of her calls were laughable.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Sale Sharks v Wasps: Post match thoughts.
« on: January 01, 2022, 05:34:05 PM »
1) Wolstenholme is not a starting 9...and we have a class 9 on the wing. wtf
2) we have no rugby IQ
3) we have no rugby IQ
4) Our coaching has to be questioned given we are less than the sum of our parts.
5) we have no rugby IQ
6) Charlie upped tempo when he got into some stride
6) we have no rugby IQ

You only get 4 or 5 chances a game, that's all. When you convert none of them though dull decisions and lack of rugby IQ, your going to lose, end of.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Injury narrative.
« on: January 01, 2022, 05:26:26 PM »
Can’t escape the fact that injuries have hurt us in a big way. But I’m getting fed up with it being the accompanying narrative to our defeats. To be clear it’s not Blackett or the club or the players - it’s mainly the media. But I wonder if it seeps into mindsets. You can’t play a season waiting - you’ve got to make things happen. We take the field today with a pack most are happy with. Back three are good enough and OK, we’re a bit disrupted at 9, 10 and 13 but we have enough talent in the 23. I’m not sure as good as Launchbury, Robson, Willis and Fekitoa are there is going to be a wholesale change of fortune. Ironically it may be Mills we’ve missed as much as anyone. We seem to have been looking towards the end of January forever as games come and go. Those that are playing simply need to do better . Points and places are available now.
Can't believe im agree with you for once  :(
We are poor because we are poor, not because of injuries.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Anthony Watson off from Bath, but where?
« on: December 31, 2021, 01:22:38 PM »

I agree.
On ability alone, I'd have him in a heart beat.

But availability is the issue - whether it be injuries or England.

It's going to be a tough balancing act for a couple of years.
Every club wants the best players, but the best will likely have the least availability

With the cap so much lower, clubs now face the prospect of having to release or forgo likely international players in favour of second string players who have, on paper, less chance of a call up. With only one marquee allowed, we will also see less non EQPs. In a way both are good for the Premiership, and likely to lead to a larger pool of players for Eddie to call on. Whilst we can all see that players will want to play for their national team, now most such aspirations will be whispered about, for fear of the implications at contract renewal time. Having an England International squad players in your squad is now an expensive luxury clubs cannot afford. I would say it is fortunate that Eddie seems to favour players from certain teams, and one of those is not Wasps.

I do think we will be at risk, as a nation, of losing International talent when clubs don't want to sign them when they become available. The mere fact that Watson has no team to go to is what I think will become more common. I also think Ford and Genge were both fortunate to find clubs to sign them. Some will not be so lucky.
I disagree. Ford and Genge lined up moves, there was nothing fortunate about it, they are some of the best players in their position.
As for lost talent, there are only so many places available in so many leagues, and with the French JIF, that net is closing..we'll have a year of realisation of the new rugby norm and it'll setlle down.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Anthony Watson off from Bath, but where?
« on: December 30, 2021, 10:20:59 PM »
He isn't injury prone, he's had an Achilles injury that went south.
You wont find more injury prone players than Miller or Marcus. Miller is always injured without actually playing and Marcus has been out for long spells multiple times.
Money aside, i'd take him over both, also over Minozzi. The killer is he's away with England, for that reason plus a decent salary, i'd have to pass, but only for those reasons.
I doubt he'll go aboard, it's a misconception that it's $ utopia, especially given the 250k he'll earn a year with Eng....
He's the kind of player you have to make space for, be interesting to see where he end's up..I can see a fit at Saints, they'll be losing Bit T who's on a wedge apparently, plus Collins may be out of contract...but that's just a guess.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: TRP plus
« on: December 30, 2021, 02:16:45 PM »
Cast the mind back to the breach breaking, Wasps came out publicly in support of a full investigation, as did Quins, some said nothing, a couple said let's move on from this..wasn't that Bath and Tigers or is my mind playing tricks?

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Lee advocates a break
« on: December 22, 2021, 08:46:46 PM »
You could argue we are already playing without supporters. :-\

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Latest Sale recruit
« on: December 20, 2021, 09:13:03 PM »
Stock markets aside, not particularly, but appreciate you asking.  :P
I'm just don't see Wasps as that type of supporter, I didn't appreciate Wasps being called cheats when an admin error put us over the cap, which was actually the opposite of some opinions here.
I don't feel comfortable with it myself...but each to their own I guess.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Latest Sale recruit
« on: December 20, 2021, 07:47:40 PM »
Can possibly see the Sale one but I can’t see how Bristol can realistically keep Piatau, Hughes, Radradra, Sinckler, Luatua, Vui and Sheedy when they are also adding McGinty and Genge.
I guess that's for Bristol to figure out and until it's reported as fact, we should be concentrating on our own recruitment challenges.
Very happy for them to sort it out. Also happy to comment on what I see fit.
So not content that shade be thrown at Sale for signing a player, your happy to extend that shade further based on absolutely no information?  It's not even speculation based on fact..seems a pointless dig, but as long as your happy I guess.

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