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Messages - Bloke in North Dorset

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Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: 10 Changes that should be made - Article
« on: November 13, 2023, 06:57:24 PM »
Can you kick a drop goal direct from a free kick?

A brief googling says no. So back to over rewards a weak or ineffective scrum. A front row of Makos here we come.
There's no reason why repeated offences couldn't be penalised by awarding a penalty.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: 10 Changes that should be made - Article
« on: November 13, 2023, 04:52:12 PM »
#3 We've discussed this a number of times on here a good move.

5. Enforce ? and tighten ? the ruck ?use it? countdown

The easiest tweak of this list? Referees could be stricter with enforcing the ?use it? law, whereby a team must play the ball five seconds after the referee has deemed it available. As it stands, this often leads to the dreaded ?caterpillar ruck? ? which would be tough to define, and therefore ban, in itself ? so enforcing this law would disrupt its formation. Only a positive. Could the limit be lowered to three seconds, too? Or, perhaps, once the referee has called ?use it?, the ball is automatically out after five seconds, rather than a resulting scrum?

Once the ref has called use it nobody can join the ruck on either side, should stop the caterpillar and also give the SH a hurry up in case there's a a big push from the defending side that can't be countered,

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Massie-Ferguson Speaks
« on: November 09, 2023, 05:46:07 PM »
@Neils & NWW

I agree, its hard to see a TV deal providing anywhere near the money the have in the past, rugby is only a schedule filler not a main draw to subscription TV. I would also expect there to be some fairly stiff claw back clauses around clubs dropping out and relegation.

I've said it before, but they might be better off in the long run seeing if ITV/C4 will pick it up and show live games, even if they have to give it away for a couple of years. Free to air rather than some dusty corner of yet another a subscription channel playing second or third fiddle to football would help rebuild fans bases, attract more kids to the game and be more appealing to sponsors if there a larger audience.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Massie-Ferguson Speaks
« on: November 08, 2023, 11:52:11 AM »
I stopped reading at the social media bit.

Trouble is there isn't much else to do other than read this stuff- unless you count going to the Warrior's board to endure the delusional ramblings of a few faves.

 I guess PRL and the RFU  think they may be able to survive this season with no further clubs down the swanny, but I am not so sure.

I suspect that, behind the scenes, they have required all the sugar daddies to sign a personal guarantee to fund the clubs sufficiently to keep them going until each of them has played their last game, with the sanction that the club would be booted out before the season started. I think this was why Irish went under. Having refused to sign up to that, it all unraveled from there.

What this means is that each owner, around January or February, will work out if they can or want to sustain their respective leeches for 24/25. If they do not, they will work out who actually needs paying (and when) to keep the doors open (and indeed that will also be affected by playoffs etc, and also if their last game is home or away). From a certain point onwards, creditors will start to find themselves not being paid. Again, exactly what happened at Irish. They then simply wait for HMRC to take action, which they will. It would not surprise me to see two more clubs go under.

It's like watching green bottles on a wall, in slow motion.
Sounds plausible. If they expect to announce the deal in December they've probably agreed HoTs and financials and are just finalising the finer details. That should give the clubs a reasonable view of their finances until the end of the season.

The next major hurdle will be TV rights. For the clubs that is a very big deal for financial because it gives them a known income for X years, most other streams being quite variable and subject to external influences.

Sweeney has said the forthcoming deal is a chance to set aside self-interest.
Has he met any club owners?

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Massie-Ferguson Speaks
« on: November 06, 2023, 12:37:39 PM »
Vows none will go bust during this season. In other words, will go under once their last game has been played.

He is suggesting that he can rely on the promise of the sugar daddies that they won't change their minds mid season (or indeed will not suffer a financial mishap leaving them without funds).

Such promises are worthless.

There is nothing in that piece to inspire confidence.

We all know that the game is headed in the wrong direction. Like an oil tanker, it takes a while for course changes to take effect, but he is like the captain that still steers towards the rocks.
(my emphasis)

Yep, because there's one group he can't control, the Inland Revenue and if they think that someone or some group is trading whilst insolvent or unlikely to pay current and future tax bills they'll be in the courts before anyone can react.

Furthermore, the idea that the government will now restructure loans, having refused in the past and been part of the process that led to clubs going bust stinks and deserves to end up with a legal challenge.

Another idea that stinks is that clubs can be protected this season to ensure they end up in Prem 1 then they'll be yet again protected from relegation because another wall is being built around it.


Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Goodbye and thank you
« on: November 03, 2023, 08:25:25 AM »
I agree with NWW's points but overall I think he's been good for the game and the best referee of his generation.

He's a good communicator but this was also a problem. He had a period a couple of years where he over refereed games, by that I mean he never shut up and allowed players to make their own decisions, but he calmed down and I thought got it about right for the World Cup.

I suspect we're going to see quite a lot of him as a pundit over the coming years which will also be good for the game, if he keeps his ego in check.

I wish him well and like Heathen thank him for his efforts.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Eddie's Aus Crash and Burn.
« on: October 31, 2023, 07:58:28 AM »
Eddie resigns

No doubt those who thought he was a solution to any problem will stay in place.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: URC?
« on: October 27, 2023, 12:47:21 PM »
5. This strikes me as being bargaining chip to get a better deal from the RFU
Along the lines of my first thoughts. A message to the RFU: S*** or get off the pot.

Not sure I would bother TBH. I want to see Wasps playing Quins, Tigers, etc.

Of course I'd follow them, Once a Wasp, Always a Wasp, but I agree I'd much rather some of those those old rivalries that games against clubs I barely know. But its better than nowt.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Kent!
« on: October 23, 2023, 07:41:18 PM »
Before we get too despondent over the travelling, that survey did ask about a Wasps TV channel so they?ve obviously given the move to Kent lot of thought.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Kent!
« on: October 23, 2023, 05:27:25 PM »
Just had a look at the are on Google maps satellite images. Objectively it looks a good location if they can get planning permission*.

Good road links and Swanley has Southeastern and Thameslink trains, so accessible from North London as well

It does look like a 10 year project given how long it takes to get planning permission in this country, there?ll be lots of law suits as it?s Green Belt.

*as did Handy Cross

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Kent!
« on: October 23, 2023, 04:51:42 PM »
I can understand the thinking and hope it goes well, but it will be nightmare journey for me and many others. I don't think I've ever got past the A3/M25 junction without at least a 30minute delay and last month it was over an hour.

It looks like they could start at Sixways so I'll have to make the most of that opportunity if it happens.

However I don't think Fans come into this possible equation- it is money from TV first and foremost.
When was the last time you heard fans mentioned in any serious way? It would be interesting to see one of the word clouds based on recent statements from the RFU and Premier League representatives, I don't expect fans to be anywhere near front and centre.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: The Future
« on: October 18, 2023, 10:45:58 AM »
There is also the soon to be free Kassam. Not too much information about what the owners want to do with it. Also can't remember how much surrounding land there might be for development.

Not sure about the Kassam. who, even though he sold the Club, he owns the stadium and surrounding area. Appears he wants to knock it down and develop more "Leisure" facilities.

Also a bit of a wind tunnel effect because of the "missing" stand

Oxford are in a tough place (as many clubs are). The old stadium is not fit for purpose hemmed in as it now is, and certainly not for rugby. Take a trip there and see for yourself (it isn't so far for me and I have been there a few times for work). But, despite many proposals, the roundball team have no alternative ground lined up. You would think the local council would help, but that does not appear to be the case, forcing them to look just outside the city boundaries. Unfortunately, a lot of the greenspace around Oxford is not available for any change of use, and their only hope is to the North of the city, but I cannot see that coming off.

A long time ago I used to play golf at a club just outside Oxford but covered by Oxford Council. A regular playing partner was a huge Oxford fan and became General Manager for a short time. He said one of the biggest problems was the usual Town v Gown conflict and the snobbishness of the Gown towards football, with the Gown having a disproportionate sway with the council.

Things may have changed, but I doubt it, but I also note that Oxford council is pushing the 15 minute city concept very hard. Irrespective of the politics of that, its not conducive to building and operating a football stadium.

I can't see there being the opportunity for the sort of partnership thinking that will be needed for building a new stadium.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: The Future
« on: October 18, 2023, 08:32:38 AM »
Just in case anyone missed it, here is the link to The Pledge. The more who sign it the better.:

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