Always a Wasp

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Messages - Hymenoptera

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Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Prem Club Statistics- not bad
« on: March 09, 2022, 04:17:47 PM »
Why are we 9th?????

My guess would be because it doesn't include:

Points conceded
Tries conceded
Penalties conceded
Tackles missed

And everything is outside of the opposition 22 based on that stat.
beating 10 defenders in your own half results in fck all when you knock the ball on your 4th phase.

Is it a question or clickbait?
It doesn't matter how deep the squad is, they are playing so badly they'd be fortunate to make 13.
It's a laughable notion..

To answer the questions I’d say we’re better than Irish and Gloucester. Of course I could trot out the fact that we’ve also recently beaten Saracens and Leicester but I fear they have been dismissed as “lucky” or playing “3rd teams” etc because they were positive results. Secondly, I think possibly one of the worlds best tight heads will have an impact. For clarity our backs aren’t “shitty” - that’s an insult to some very, very good players. I haven’t excused anything. We’re a good side. A top six side which means we’ve won some good games and lost some - it’s the way sport goes. To your final point we did beat Irish the last two times we’ve met - does that mean we’re miles behind them?
I suspect it's the case that you watch Wasps and only Wasps, so your appreciation for anything outside of Wasps is limited. The fact you think we are better than either lends itself to that.
To your Sarries / Leic comment..thats my point, your only see results as a measure of the standing, you refuse to look at the performance. You mention the top 2 fine, i'll mention the loss to 3 of the bottom 4, with a win against 13 of the 4th. How does that fit into your narrative of being a very, very good side? As for maintaining we are a top six side, with the proof being in the eating, we weren't top 6 last season, we aren't top six now and I bet you a new hat that we won't be come season conclusion. When that happens, you may have to finally except what's in front of you.
I also didn't call the backs shitty, I said shitty back play. Lee needs to recruit himself out of it because he doesn't seem to be able to coach himself out of it. Like it or don't, the teams that are playing well are clearly we'll coached, with a consistent game plan and tactics.
Atkinson came into the first team and looked the business, he then gets 1st team coaching and now looks a shadow of the player that stepped up...whats that down to?
Like i said, sum of part in didn't expand on that

That’s not the team I see to be honest. In terms of leadership experience Mitchell is part of the coaching staff and he has all the experience you could want - okay, he’s not the DoR but he’s part of the team. To be fair to Blackett I think his vision has been fairly consistent. He said early on we are a more consistent team when we have a dominant pack. I accept you could easily argue that about any team. But the point is he’s set about addressing that through the additions he’s made. Also, let’s not forget, he’s not operating with Dai Young budgets. Since we’ve had a decent amount of players back we’ve had some good results and some bad ones. Which really sums up where we are at the moment - probably a top six side capable of beating most but needing to add consistency.
Please explain to me how we are a top 6 side. Please look at the table and the teams above us and tell me who we are better than.
Enlighten me as how being less than the sum of your parts isn't a coaching issue, or opposite, how good coaching doesn't produce more than the sum of the parts.
So Lee is addressing the forwards through recruitment? while ignoring the shitty back play through coaching..and that's the answer? WHo in the forwards is having a is so substandard they need replacing and with who that will make such an impact to change our entire game?
Only 3 weeks ago, you said, and I quote: We are actually a very, very good side ..scraping past someones 3rd team is nothing to be proud of and if that's your barometer to being a stella side, you wont be seeing many positive seasons in your lifetime.
We are awful, you excused the entire last season and your doing it again. Thats your prerogative, but it's delusional. Do yourself a favour and watch the Irish game from last night and tell me how we arent a millions miles from that product with arguably better players man for man in most positions.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Bristol v Wasps: Post Match Thoughts.
« on: February 26, 2022, 04:52:48 PM »
Lets start and excuses timeline thread..
First 3rd we blame injuries, second 3rd we are blaming returnees, sweepstake on the final 3rd..tired, lack or prep..

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Bristol v Wasps: Post Match Thoughts.
« on: February 26, 2022, 12:56:23 AM »
Same as last season, we remain a mediocre side...regardless of what some on here like to maintain.
We remain less than the sum of our parts, still have no cohesion, no game plan, no creativity and no football skills.
Our coaching appears utter tripe and the inability to get the best out of the players remains a major obstacle.
I didn't expect a win as I'm a realist and can see past the 13 man/ 3rd team wins..but it's still disappointing to be served this product every week. Credit to those that do attend (Covkid, hats off mate) but it's no surprise no-one wants to give up their Sat to watch this dross in person...I'd begrudge a PRTV fiver, hell I begrudge the leccy i used to power my TV.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Teams Up for Briz - Jack Starts.
« on: February 24, 2022, 09:43:15 PM »
How can he be a 'Quality' 13 having played there all of 5 times...
He was solely culpable for a try last week in missing a tackle, then culpable for putting us under pressure dropping an easy ball in our 22, which lead to a try, and when he did get the ball made little actual ground.
He's a better finisher than a midfield player, he doesn't have the creativity nor the hands and To think he is better than an actual 13 in Spink, who is already looks better, is curious.
Opinion's vary but for me he's a winger and only a starter because it's an area we are not particularly strong in.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Teams Up for Briz - Jack Starts.
« on: February 24, 2022, 04:02:51 PM »
No Nathan for them.

Our back divison worries me. Was found wanting last week at The Stoop.

Where is Ali Crossdale?? Not listed as injured and IMHO the best 15 in our squad.

Paolo needs to be at 13 - he is far more effective at OC.

Jacob will be severely tested by Radrada coming at full tilt.

I know I don't pick the team but surely there must have been a long discussion about the performance of that back line before the team was finalised. Jimmy at 15 would have been a better bet.

Our pack looks good as do the pack replacements.
What is this madness you speak of.
Firstly Spink is looking good at 13. Secondly, Paulo is not a 13 by any stretch...cover maybe.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Match Thread
« on: February 19, 2022, 04:54:06 PM »
If ever a scorelined flattered, that was it.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Match Thread
« on: February 19, 2022, 04:50:22 PM »
The problem we have with so many returning players is that we have far too many combinations each game, throughout the game.
Jimmy got sucked in there.

Let’s not overreact to this.

We’re going through a type of transition.
Why do people always use this as an excuse? Start of the season we didn’t have enough players leading to to many new combinations, now we’ve got to many players and new combinations!! Why can’t we just admit that at this moment in time Quins are just a better side than us and we are probably a 5th or 6th place side. New combinations have nothing to do with knock ons and the ability to tackle's a constant excusathon. Next it'll be that it wasn't bright enough that day.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Match Thread
« on: February 19, 2022, 03:50:18 PM »
Wasps..though we have dealt with the wind just fine...
Only thing worse than our maul is our maul defense.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Match Thread
« on: February 19, 2022, 03:48:31 PM »
We need to bring Paulo more into the game.
And from deep with pace.

We’re too flat.
I'd say the less Paulo gets involved the better, he's been terrible so far

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Match Thread
« on: February 19, 2022, 03:40:06 PM »
Maul has been awful, about 5 for a total 1 meter gain.
We are being out-rucked everywhere

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Match Thread
« on: February 19, 2022, 03:27:23 PM »
Dogwu gives away another try...
TMO - If the ball bounces up, there is no pressure, so its a knock on
Looked more like poor pass from Jacob
Really wasnt

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Match Thread
« on: February 19, 2022, 03:11:14 PM »
Dogwu gives away another try...
TMO - If the ball bounces up, there is no pressure, so its a knock on

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