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Author Topic: Morning all  (Read 5858 times)


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Morning all
« on: March 28, 2020, 11:09:09 AM »
I meant to do this last weekend.  How are we all doing?  Thought it might be a good idea to check-in on what would have been match-day.  Share your news.  Let us know how you're coping with the new paradigm.

In anticipation of the 'lockdown', I did a shop on Monday.  Means we're good for food for a couple of weeks. 

Mrs. Chilham suffered a torn retina and had to have laser eye surgery last week.  Things seem improved and we're back to see the consultant on Tuesday morning.  Will pick-up some fresh veg then too.

We'd planned to depart on an overland round the world trip on 1st May.  I would have been semi-retired for the first two years as we travel Europe.  That's all on hold and we've extended our lease until 30 June.  We'll assess how things are looking then.  For now, we live in a pretty quiet corner of a very rural village (the first by-pass ever built meant it kept it's C.15th feel), so not exposed to many outsiders.  Although we have a small office, a few miles away, I often work from home, so it's not been too much of a challenge for us.  Much of my business has postponed, but there's been lot's of alternative work coming my way.  I don't enjoy it so much, but it'll pay the bills.

Biggest challenge is keeping my 84-year old father-in-law indoors.  They live in a town 25-miles away and he insists on going out to get his morning paper and food shopping on a daily basis, despite his son living next door.  We've just read the riot act to hm for the umpteenth time.

See if this flies, and whether it becomes a regular thing as we make our way through this unprecedented time.

How are you?


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Re: Morning all
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2020, 01:35:59 PM »
Hi all from the colder northern climes. Still can't get my head round no journeys to Coventry, bad withdrawal symptoms from rugby.

As to life in general, not TOO bad so far where we are. We've still got our small supermarket open which seems to stock more than just the essentials, biggest loss is the pubs which are the real hub of this Dales villages' life. Locals are getting about round the village but social distancing has properly arrived here now. With no tourists about the place it is very strange to have such a quiet village, we've still got the one or two visitors in the area but obviously nowhere near like usual.

Exercising our two dogs is our chief means/excuse to get out of the house and with the better weather of late Mrs NYW has been in her element being head gardener. She has had lung problems in the past (pneumonia on the lungs which put her in intensive care for a week and nearly killed her) so she is more cautious than maybe I am.

Our plans for an Easter spent 'down south' have gone by the board as our Easter horse racing has been cancelled and it looks like we won't be at the Ricoh for the Sunday either. Hey ho, manure occurs.

Hope everyone else out in Wasps land is doing ok, staying safe and making the best of a crappy time.

Stay safe all of you, look after each other and hope for a speedy return to the things we love most.


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Re: Morning all
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2020, 02:11:24 PM »
BT are airing games every afternoon (Toulouse v Wasps was on yesterday) which I'm recording which is better than nothing.

They are also airing Moto GP races for the petrol heads out there. Its not the same as watching a live event but it's better than watching Crap in the Attic.

Unrelated to this pandemic I signed up for Netflix about 6 weeks ago (just to see what it was like) which has been a godsend. I've been binge watching series I've heard about but never had the chance to see (Breaking Bad, Ozark)

I'm also cutting up and chopping seasoned wood.. using a chainsaw and large axe turns out to be quite therapeutic.. I think I'm turning into a prepper


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Re: Morning all
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2020, 03:03:13 PM »
I'm lucky enough to be still working and I don't envy the 50% of my colleagues who have been prorogued but most of them are happy sat at home on 80% of their salary. I say this as even though I've mowed both lawns and completed a windy and hilly 10 mile cycle ride I'm bored again and wondering what I can pass the time with tomorrow as I can probably see the rest of today out with Cider and Netflix/Amazon Prime.

I really miss Rugby, Motorcycling and Pubs!

Vespula Vulgaris

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Re: Morning all
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2020, 04:23:56 PM »
It's been a bit of a tough time in the VV house to be honest.

My wife is 36 weeks pregnant and was exposed to a confirmed case 4 weeks ago, she ended up isolated for two weeks, with me allowed out to drop the kids at school and go shopping and that was it.  She didn't become symptomatic, but the day after she was released from isolation our daughter came down with it along with a bunch of her friends from school. She spent a week in bed with a high temp and a nasty cough, living off chocolate, paracetamol, and Netflix. Just as she was looking to be better the schools were closed, and then the lock down happened.

So far everyone else is symptom free, but I launched a marketing agency 5 months ago, and while it did really well for the first few months, suddenly I have lost about 80% of my income.  Because I am not on PAYE, the company is VAT registered, but doesn't have a rateable premises, it seems I am not eligible for any support at all.

So I'm trying to run a business from home, bring in extra work as things are looking bad, homeschool three kids, and somehow manage to keep my wife away from anyone with symptoms, despite her having to go to the hospital 3 times a week (complications of pregnancy).

I'm genuinely considering getting a job as a driver for one of the supermarket chains as the current situation just isn't sustainable.
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Re: Morning all
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2020, 05:21:35 PM »
VV, you have our sympathy and thoughts.

I'm semi retired from being self employed and remember how tough it was to get a start when I first went out on my own. Add everything else you've got to deal with and I can see you tearing your hair out.

Can only wish you all the best for the next few weeks and hope that everything comes together in the end. Best wishes Mr & Mrs NYW.


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Re: Morning all
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2020, 07:19:55 PM »
Just watching Hask doing a live House DJ.. from his home.. old school toons.

I hate to say it.. but he's quite good on the decks.. its a bit mid 90's Ibiza but he's doing a good job


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Re: Morning all
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2020, 07:35:55 PM »
I'd probably like that BG. What format are you listening on?


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Re: Morning all
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2020, 07:44:50 PM »
I'd probably like that BG. What format are you listening on?

A live stream


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Re: Morning all
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2020, 07:53:04 PM »
Tough situation VV.  pleased everyone's come through so far.

We're lucky from a business perspective and should be getting the government's £10k grant - form filled-in online yesterday.  As we were looking to go semi-retired from May, we had financially set-up for reduced income.  Also had a client pay for their year ahead of time so they don't lose the budget, and have won a new client that includes a bunch of upfront consulting.  if I were at all religious, I'd say we've been blessed.

My son's just got hired as a Tesco delivery driver.  He's working his way through Uni'.  First day today.  He said they're just doing Click-and-collect, so he's basically spent the day filling trolleys.

Hope everything works out for you.


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Re: Morning all
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2020, 11:45:33 AM »
Sending positive thoughts and prayers to you VV. Stay strong and safe.

Great thread, thanks to Chilam. I am a day late, but the days roll into each other now.

Here in Wales I have been setting online work for students. Naturally the system could not cope for the first couple of days. Online teaching systems, known as VLEs, are put forward by people wishing to enhance their career and slide up the greasy pole. They cost a fortune and are then ignored by everyone because they are pretty useless, and have most of their useful functions replicated by other systems. So the system could not cope when everyone was forced to use them, even when capacity was increased 8 fold. It is working now, at least.

All my wife's office are shut. There was an incident a couple of weeks ago where one of her colleagues had a cough/sweats but came in so that he could do overtime at the weekend. He was sent home, personally I would have had difficulty restraining myself from picking him up and booting him out physically. Some people are just arses. For some reason the Swansea DVLA are open, which surprised me. The government have classified them as key workers, but the council have not, meaning they have nobody to look after their kids.

I have volunteered for our roster to look after key worker's children, on the condition it is outside PE. The precautions we are to take- binbags for clothes as we get in etc. are scary.

I have just been reading about Coventry rugby having issues with insurers, including being given the excuse that they did not specify the specific disease in their policy. Some companies are just arses too apparently.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2020, 09:37:43 PM by westwaleswasp »


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Re: Morning all
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2020, 12:27:32 PM »
Greetings all from a chilly South Bucks.

Mrs G is in lockdown now for the 12 weeks - as is everyone on the at risk list - (how's it going Trevor?)

Have had a couple of online grocery shops - problem is that they are never going to have everything that you order. When I go into a shop, I am wearing a respirator and disposable vinyl gloves, so as to reduce the risk of infection pick up.

Dog walking is fine. Plenty of open countryside around so getting out twice a day without any issues.

State pensions and company pensions are being paid on time so we are the lucky ones when it comes to income.

Two things that I miss at the moment - watching live rugby and getting out to the house in France.

The citizens of the UK control the destiny of how long this situation goes on. Bite the bullet for the next three months and reap the rewards later. Or, don't give a toss and face the consequences - which could potentially be devastating.

Stay safe everyone.


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Re: Morning all
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2020, 01:00:09 PM »
Also - Sending positive thoughts and prayers to you VV. Stay strong and safe.

Dog walking fine in Central Essex with lots of countryside round the corner. Anyone I meet seems to want to avoid any form of conversation and just get away (understandable).

Like Heathen we are financially sorted so also lucky. Shopping is very much buy it sensibly when you see it. It seems eggs are a problem - not because of the egg supply (1 million a day from McDonalds are available - nice to see they use free range) but because of the boxes!! A friend working for Tesco suggests they may reopen the Deli but as an egg "bar". Strange times.

Like many (most?) we are taking the stay at home advice to heart but I think it is going to get harder. Watched the Youtube of the 2004 cup run and even though we knew the score still shouted at the telly. A good way to make 3 hours 40 minutes disappear (and two bottles of red).

Slight worry this week with sniffle, cough and dryness but it is only my early hay fever kicking in with a reminder that there are other things around!

Stay safe, well and sane.
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Re: Morning all
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2020, 01:38:35 PM »
Afternoon all from a sunny but cold Halesowen. Health wise we are all OK, the good lady is type 2 diabetic so is being extremely careful.

Best wishes to all, especially you VV. It cannot be easy for you and yours at the moment but everyone is here to support you in any way they can.

Work wise, I've been on WFH for 2 weeks but could be called in at any time, we are classed as key workers due to supporting national infrastructure and the emergency services, have a letter to allow me to travel if needed.

As an H&S Manager I have seriously earned my money in the last month and I'm in constant contact with all of the teams. The mental health aspect of lockdown is huge, just that short chat with people about their feelings and fears is worth it's weight in gold for some.

Financially we should be OK, even if furloughed, it'll be tight but we'll manage.

Supermarket shopping in the area is a bit hit and miss, you can now get most things but may not get everything in one go, just got to be sensible and think of others when you get in there.

Had Prime and Netflix before all this and they are now great to have, we're doing lots of films and boxsets. Watching a bit of football and rugby here and there from the archives which is also keeping me happy. I've also developed a taste for walking again, averaging 3 miles each day on the prison walk!

The main thing for us all though is keeping ourselves safe and those we live with. The art of conversation is more important than ever, especially for those you care about but cannot go and see. This afternoon my usual group who meet for a Sunday pint are getting together on a video call, our virtual pub! Looking forward to it.


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Re: Morning all
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2020, 02:42:54 PM »
Good afternoon. We're all ok to date in the 909 household. We're WFH and the dog is getting a bit worried about the attention but nothing too bad so far

My best wishes to those directly affected and good luck to VV - that doesn't sound a whole lot of fun.

Took a minor gamble on shopping last evening and was virtually alone in the supermarket. Now stocked for 10 days or so. People are being very sensible around here - the baker had a queue outside, all at 2m+ and only one in the shop at a time. But this is a fairly privileged area where little in the way of anti social behaviour occurs. That said, my supermarket manager friend said she had taken abuse off customers last week - but that the madness from then had settled down a bit. That said, I spent 20 mins (at 2m+) providing some amateur counselling as she really needed a chat!

Afternoon games on TV have been mainly fun, I enjoyed most of our games!

I think boredom will be the key menace - apart from Government incompetence - and I'll be lending the dog out to neighbours soon. I still have a helping hands I got post hip surgery - to allow me to pass the lead across at 2m distance.....and whilst out with the dog, people are generally being very friendly, from a distance.

Stay as safe as you can.