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Author Topic: England  (Read 2849 times)


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« on: December 04, 2020, 11:26:00 AM »
Joe starts, Dan collecting splinters, Jack in reserve.


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Re: England
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2020, 11:27:17 AM »
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Re: England
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2020, 11:29:05 AM »
Playing with Jack when he could be with us - on a pitch!
Also trying to knacker Joe.
Let me tell you something cucumber


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Re: England
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2020, 11:33:21 AM »
I know it's EJ's prerogative but is does stick in the craw when we lose a player of his impact only for him not to play. As for the game itself I expect a borefest with England continuing to incrementally box kick there way against the French 4th team.


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Re: England
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2020, 11:42:47 AM »
I know it's EJ's prerogative but is does stick in the craw when we lose a player of his impact only for him not to play. As for the game itself I expect a borefest with England continuing to incrementally box kick there way against the French 4th team.


I'm virtually at the point of finding pressing the buttons on the remote too much exertion, for not not enough reward, to watch England play.......


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Re: England
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2020, 12:40:17 PM »
Having every chance this autumn to have started new players - this is in the absence of Manu - England's likely selection of starters if there was a RWC final tomorrow

And pretty much how I expect England (injuries permitting) to line up in the 6Ns

And with the resources of Daly, and Watson and May and Slade - lets hope that we're not going to get a box kick-fest.......

Bloke in North Dorset

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Re: England
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2020, 12:43:27 PM »
This game's a real let down with what's happened to France. I would normally go out of my way to watch an England game but the 2pm start cuts right across the day. I'll probably watch it about 6pm using Prime's time shift viewing.

Not good for future sponsorship deals either.


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Re: England
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2020, 01:42:54 PM »
Also trying to knacker Joe.

interesting response.
When Eddie wouldn't pick Joe and break his chosen paring of Kruis & Itoje this board was irate.
Now he's picking him regularly, that's wrong too ?

He won't play the full game anyway, Itoje never gets subbed.

incidentally, given players get a match fee for playing with England (was it £20k at one stage, can't remember) I'm sure Joe is very pleased to be picked.


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Re: England
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2020, 01:56:19 PM »
Also trying to knacker Joe.

interesting response.
When Eddie wouldn't pick Joe and break his chosen paring of Kruis & Itoje this board was irate.
Now he's picking him regularly, that's wrong too ?

He won't play the full game anyway, Itoje never gets subbed.

incidentally, given players get a match fee for playing with England (was it £20k at one stage, can't remember) I'm sure Joe is very pleased to be picked.

Yes because to me Wasps come first, second and foremost. Couldn't give a stuff for EJ and his wonderous ambitions. Even if he stays fully fit Joe will be missing for much of Wasps season - not something I can go whoopee about. Sorry.
Let me tell you something cucumber


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Re: England
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2020, 03:18:46 PM »
Fair enough Neils.

IMO, club rugby in England cannot survive without a strong England team. For it to be strong it needs to be playing games & winning.

Likewise England cannot survive without a strong Prem filled with mostly English players.

Up until this year I think that England & the clubs have had it about right. 2020 is a complete mess as we all know. Right now everyone just needs to get through it and re-group on the other side


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Re: England
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2020, 05:36:39 PM »
Agree baldpaul. The problem at this point is the schedule. Meaningless tournaments that have really only been put together for cash. They take far too big a chunk out of the club season. For me I prioritise Wasps over England but I take your point that they need each other. I think the frustration with Jones comes when he has opportunities to see what players can do but doesn't take them. That's fair enough in the 6N or the RWC but outside of that he should be using games to get alternatives who may well be needed bedded in. Robson is a case in point. He's the coach - it's his prerogative to do what he wants but for me, with the tools at his disposal I think he's doing an average job.


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Re: England
« Reply #11 on: December 04, 2020, 05:44:49 PM »
I think thats the problem when a Head Coach is given a ultimate goal of winning one competition which in Eddies case the Rugby World Cup. He's not paid to raise the standard of English Rugby in general just the England team during his tenure.

Its a bit like politics when one party is in power they only care about policies for the next 5 years and then start again with new ones.

Old Geezer

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Re: England
« Reply #12 on: December 04, 2020, 10:57:24 PM »
I hope that Amazon Prime get their bank balance well and truly burned by their intervention in rugby.  For me, having BT, Sky and terrestrial was enough choice. if they thought that hundreds of thousands of rugby fans would sign up to Prime just to watch this Autumn fiasco I hope they have been proved dramatically wrong.  Opportunists!!!

There is another reason why I would not have Amazon Prime and that is, without it, I know that every telephone call I get from a vocalised computer with an American accent about my Amazon Prime Account is a fake.

Night night and good luck tomorrow Wasps.


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Re: England
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2020, 08:21:47 AM »

I hope that Amazon Prime get their bank balance well and truly burned by their intervention in rugby.  For me, having BT, Sky and terrestrial was enough choice. if they thought that hundreds of thousands of rugby fans would sign up to Prime just to watch this Autumn fiasco I hope they have been proved dramatically wrong.  Opportunists!!!

There is another reason why I would not have Amazon Prime and that is, without it, I know that every telephone call I get from a vocalised computer with an American accent about my Amazon Prime Account is a fake.

Having had Amazon Prime for years I can safely say I have never had a call about it, just the usual emails and occasional letter with an offer.

I struggle with the hatred of Amazon Prime having some Rugby. If you don't have prime, it's easy to join, for free, for a month which effectively covers this tournament window. Then cancel.

Then, when they get more matches in the future, as I assume this won't be a 1-off, rejoin for the duration of the next period, again should be possible for free, even if it goes over 1 month it only costs £7.99. A lot cheaper than adding Sky on for similar periods if you don't have sky tv, I don't. Plus no Stuart Barnes, a huge plus in my opinion.

The only downside I see is the fact you have to watch old school, i.e. sit down when it starts to watch it, although you can watch re-runs later.

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Re: England
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2020, 08:41:59 AM »
+ 1
“In a world full of Kardashians be an Audrey”.