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Author Topic: Morning All!!  (Read 2324 times)


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Morning All!!
« on: January 08, 2021, 03:11:50 AM »
Woke up at 2AM. What is wrong with my brain?

Did a load of work for an hour (might as well), then noticed it was snowing. Just a dusting so far. Also realised Amazon were supposed to have delivered a parcel before 10pm yesterday, so checked and it is now delayed for a day, or two.

Got an email to say my Netflix subscription is going up £2 a month. I wonder if Amazon Prime will follow suit? A bit of a captive market right now.

As to the game, snow is maybe forecast but whatever, it is going to be cold. Hope the guys get fired up and have another scorcher.


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Re: Morning All!!
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2021, 06:19:34 AM »
Morning Nelly, morning all.

Same dusting of snow here in North Oxfordshire but forecast of more later.

I'm quietly confident we can win this game tonight given the current form of the two teams and the fact Bath have largely picked the same players who got beat by Tigers only 5 days ago.

Saying that, on paper Bath have the strongest looking XV in the Premiership so who knows whats going to happen.



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Re: Morning All!!
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2021, 07:25:27 AM »
Morning NWW, Codds and all Waspies from a frosty Guildford! Being a school day my pre game ritual of coffee, Wasps shirt and hound walking in the Surrey hills has been adjusted to patients, PPE and Scrub wearing for the day (although I will be getting coffee through all of that as caffeine is a non negotiable!

The importance of having a Rugby game to look forward to, to get excited about should not be underestimated. Yes we are going through a winter in the NHS that is putting all of us lucky enough to work in it right on the edge of our physical and mental capabilities, but I guarantee you that not one of us want to be anywhere else. Treating and serving others is all we want to do. The political ramifications and lessons that need to be learnt from this will come (and needs to to honour the memory of those that have died) But for those us who love sport to have a point of focus, excitement, normality and a talking point that stirs positive emotions away from covid is a importance never to be underestimated or taken for granted....And when we get through this, and we will! I will always be thankful for every time I get to walk into a stadium and share time with each other and our club once more.

So to the game, Bath have stuttered of late, we have stuttered this season, but are finding performances, of which probably the most impressive was against Chiefs. We are well known as a attacking threat from anywhere, but you need deep foundations of defence, accuracy and physicality, last week was a demonstration of just that. But Bath at the Rec will require this performance once again. Their side is full of quality, and if it starts to unite, and the 9,10 axis in blue, black and white can start to dictate the play they will be in good stead.

Both benches offer impact and I cannot see either side having an edge there. In fact there are fascinating match ups throughout. Indeed this could be banjo string tight throughout the whole 80. It will come down to accuracy and taking opportunities when they arise. It is battles like this I love because I cannot call which way it will go. However in Blackett’s band of brothers we trust!

Now Wasps go out there and get that win! And to all my fellow Waspies, drink merrily and with a warm heart filled with hope! Because the end of this pandemic is coming, and although hard days lie ahead there is A growing light and a sure knowledge that whilst we will take time to mourn and honour those lost, we will rejoice in victory over our invisible foe....together!


Once a Wasp ALWAYS a Wasp!  ;D


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Re: Morning All!!
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2021, 07:57:24 AM »
Morning All.

A tad chiily in South Buckinghamshire today. Probably the hardest frost that we have had so far. Dog walking for the mandatory hour will require a decent wrap up today!

Chris, I love your optimistic attitude. I have been Chairman of our PPG (Patient Participation Group at my local med centre) since March and our lead GP shares your enthusiasm for the work that the NHS perform. His partner's father was the first GP in the UK to sadly die from C19, so can understand where you are coming from. The immortal line from 'Star Trekkin' is probably more relevant today, than at most times in history. ("It's life, Jim, but not as we know it")

And so to the game. Could be a cracker for the neutrals. From the Wasps fans POV, any win at The Wreck, is a good win. IMHO, it will be decided by who makes the least errors. Missed tackles and penalty count will be crucial. On the back of our last two games, we are now showing that we can play the phsical stuff as well.

Bookies have us a marginal favourites. My prediction - Wasps by 5.



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Re: Morning All!!
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2021, 08:06:10 AM »
Morning all

Unlike NWW I managed to sleep in today - misspent day yesterday emulsioning walls (a strange form of exercise!). Very cold and frosty down here and in normal times would be rather unhappy about sitting outside to watch a rugby match.

Two strong teams tonight so it depends really which one doesn't turn up. Lets hope it continues to be Bath otherwise the rear of the sofa could be required.

COYW another version of last week please.
Let me tell you something cucumber


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Re: Morning All!!
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2021, 08:28:52 AM »
Good morning everyone from a frozen Hastings. I fancy us for this one. Could be another 5 pointer. Must get off to a quick start. Best of luck to all our players.


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Re: Morning All!!
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2021, 08:34:30 AM »
Morning all from about 10m north of the Bath Ground - it's grey and cold with a smattering of snow flakes - though nothing much. Hoping that the generally dry week - even if cold - has allowed their pitch to be in decent condition - local pitches are struggling rather.

I think we need to be right on top of this game - can't let a team with that firepower into the game at all. They will be looking to bounce back - so it's good that Dan and Jacob are selected to provide direction and tactical awareness.

Tea in hand, dog levered into the garden for a wee and we'll be off down the park once it gets nearer to 10am. Coffee and breakfast and then a dull day waiting on the start of the game.......



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Re: Morning All!!
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2021, 08:39:48 AM »
A cold and gloomy looking morning all to you, let’s hope tonight’s game will be enlightening and warm us all up!

Difficult one to call ,in theory Bath,at home and with their squad , should edge it . However seem to have taken our ‘go wandering for 20 mins’ over, whereas wasps have got a more togetherness at the moment.

Whatever ,it should be a tight game and be down to one score ,or goes completely the over the other way and we get 4 tries in last 25 mins!

Bloke in North Dorset

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Re: Morning All!!
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2021, 08:59:26 AM »
Morning all from a frosty North Dorset.

Firstly, a big thanks to Chris and his colleagues and especially those who do the unseen, unglamorous and often disparaged work that makes it all happen.

If things start to go a bit pear shaped tonight they have some great recent memories to call on.

As always looking forward to the game and in the meantime  I've a spare bedroom to paint (I have converted in to a small exercise room after our son and his fiancé stole the bed when the moved out last year), long walk to take and dinner to cook (Hairy Bikers liver and mash). I get to cook to make sure we're done by game time  :)

Have a good day everyone and see you on the match thread.




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Re: Morning All!!
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2021, 09:05:44 AM »
Morning all. This will be tight but Bath are prone to errors so I hope we can capitalise. Some interesting sub plots - in some cases it's like an England audition. The front row, Spencer v Robson, Willis v Underhill, Launchbury v Ewers. I wouldn't swap any of our players from those head to heads. Also Stooke on the bench for Bath - I wonder if the proximity of this game has delayed the announcement of him signing.


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Re: Morning All!!
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2021, 09:08:58 AM »
Morning All, London is...... well let's call it a murky grey.

Should be a fantastic game today, as will challenge us in terms of physicality but also sharpness as that Bath team is full of quality operators.

This game reminds me of our brilliant result last year where we lost TT, Oghre and had to go to uncontested haha

Steve from Cov

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Re: Morning All!!
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2021, 10:08:13 AM »
Morning all,
Coventry is ....... murky grey too.
We were expecting a significant snow fall overnight but it never materialised so - although I’m approaching my 60th birthday- I’m gutted 😅.
I believe tonight’s match will go to the wire.
Bath are underperforming but they have quality players throughout  the squad and are under pressure to win matches.
Looking forward to the match up in the front and back row. Can’t wait 😝


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Re: Morning All!!
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2021, 10:32:42 AM »
Morning All from a chilly but snow-free Hertfordshire. A hopefully quiet and productive day of paperwork and admin ahead before the match.

A lot of Rugby has been played in the five months since we last played at the Rec. Bath's post lockdown form has fallen a way a bit but they still present a tough challenge. I'd expect that Bath's shorter turn around may harm them a bit today and we do have more momentum on the back of 4 consecutive wins. That said I am expecting a tough match; probably the game of the round.


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Re: Morning All!!
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2021, 12:46:21 PM »
Morning all, best wishes to you and yours.

I love reading these Morning Alls, the thought and time that everyone puts into them just adds something extra to game day. If my memory is right, Wombles started the tradition a few years back on the other site, thanks. Thanks also for your work looking after people in the front line.

Looking forward to the game tonight, Come on You Wasps!

Take care,


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Re: Morning All!!
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2021, 12:58:34 PM »

The importance of having a Rugby game to look forward to, to get excited about should not be underestimated. Yes we are going through a winter in the NHS that is putting all of us lucky enough to work in it right on the edge of our physical and mental capabilities, but I guarantee you that not one of us want to be anywhere else. Treating and serving others is all we want to do. The political ramifications and lessons that need to be learnt from this will come (and needs to to honour the memory of those that have died) But for those us who love sport to have a point of focus, excitement, normality and a talking point that stirs positive emotions away from covid is a importance never to be underestimated or taken for granted....And when we get through this, and we will! I will always be thankful for every time I get to walk into a stadium and share time with each other and our club once more.

Well done to you and your colleagues sir, well done indeed!

Light snow forecast for the West Country this evening, but if we continue our form of the last couple of weeks, I don't think any weather will stop us. COYW.