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Author Topic: House of Cards  (Read 3031 times)

Vespula Vulgaris

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Re: House of Cards
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2022, 06:42:24 PM »
Is it possible to clutch straws with your head buried in the sand?

I'll be clear here. This is a Wasps forum, if you are solely here to spread negative rumours and run down Wasps you'll be banned.

This is the only warning you, or any others will get.

Oh dear. So there is one strand of opinions allowed and they have to be positive. F'raid VV you are taking a wrong un here and sure I will be banned but your threats are sad.
The forum needs balance and most here simply ignore, and have ignored for years, the stark financial Tsunami of woe that has been Wasps since the Coventry move. I've said it before but will again but how can we survive when racked up over £60m losses since 2015 and the move?
Defaulted on bonds, owe Derek another £20m, about to lose the stadium, rugby results and attendances at home collapsing. Now rumours the contractors won't relay the pitch due to credit issues and now recruitment on hold.

These are not "negative rumours" or any attempt to undermine Wasps. We all love our club and want it to last another 150 years. It just looks like it is about to go down the pan, and we need to do something about it as sure as hell Eastwood and Vaughan do not seem to be . Certainly not having a dialogue with Wasps fans on how to refinance and also turn an annual £10m loss making business into a viable entity
Long live the debate!

There is a big difference between fans of the team being concerned about the current situation, and fans of a different team that plays a different sport coming here with the express purpose of spreading discord.
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Re: House of Cards
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2022, 07:03:12 PM »
Is it possible to clutch straws with your head buried in the sand?

I'll be clear here. This is a Wasps forum, if you are solely here to spread negative rumours and run down Wasps you'll be banned.

This is the only warning you, or any others will get.

Oh dear. So there is one strand of opinions allowed and they have to be positive. F'raid VV you are taking a wrong un here and sure I will be banned but your threats are sad.
The forum needs balance and most here simply ignore, and have ignored for years, the stark financial Tsunami of woe that has been Wasps since the Coventry move. I've said it before but will again but how can we survive when racked up over £60m losses since 2015 and the move?
Defaulted on bonds, owe Derek another £20m, about to lose the stadium, rugby results and attendances at home collapsing. Now rumours the contractors won't relay the pitch due to credit issues and now recruitment on hold.

These are not "negative rumours" or any attempt to undermine Wasps. We all love our club and want it to last another 150 years. It just looks like it is about to go down the pan, and we need to do something about it as sure as hell Eastwood and Vaughan do not seem to be . Certainly not having a dialogue with Wasps fans on how to refinance and also turn an annual £10m loss making business into a viable entity
Long live the debate!

There is a big difference between fans of the team being concerned about the current situation, and fans of a different team that plays a different sport coming here with the express purpose of spreading discord.
To be fair VV, he hasn't offended me or anyone as far as i can tell, and by that I mean getting directly personal, derogatory. You may feel the need to protect the 'precious' set that frequent this board but for me, debate comes in all shapes and sizes and I welcome his opinion, as one sided in nature as it is and will continue to be.
But your board, your decision..


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Re: House of Cards
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2022, 07:41:06 PM »
Fwiw I think that I was the person who was  referred to re:  clutching straws while having my head in the sand.  I don't believe that VV was trying to protect any so-called 'set'  (what 'set'?)  but quite rightly trying to set a few decent standards  and remind certain trolls  -  who know who they are  -  from other sites that  bad language, bad behaviour, trolling and abuse of posters on this site is not welcomed.  There has been a fair old bit of this recently  and  it's not easy to put a stop to that sort of thing once it gets a hold.  I for one am grateful to VV and moderators etc who must spend a great deal of their time  on the admin  side of this site.  New posters  are always welcome  and it's  good to have new views and fresh info such as has come in  recently.  Thank you  gentlemen,  and  especially  VV.


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Re: House of Cards
« Reply #18 on: August 08, 2022, 08:28:10 PM »
I don’t think I have been using bad language, bad behaviour, trolling (but I don’t really know the precise definition) or abusive to posters. I have a view of matters pertaining to Wasps which is different to the majority of posters on this site: some long standing posters share, or have sympathy, with some of those views. I think Wasps are in financial trouble, CCFC may well be also. Given that view, it amazes me that some posters do seem to either be straw clutching or head in sanding - will all be sorted in a few weeks (starting a couple of months ago).

I am sorry if this is viewed badly, but it does seem that Wasps future is largely in the hands of bondholders who have been badly let down. What is said on a fans forum is unlikely to influence them, but repeated negative press might.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2022, 09:23:54 PM by SBSam »


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Re: House of Cards
« Reply #19 on: August 08, 2022, 09:14:20 PM »
Dear Sam,  None of my remarks were aimed at you at all.  It might be that we are indeed straw clutching and have heads either in the sand or maybe in the clouds, and I pray this is not the case.  We have (in my own, personal opinion) been assailed with many unpleasant comments lately from a few anti-Wasps but I thought genuine posters on here were being quite forbearing to them.  And not for just the first or second time.  New genuine posters like you are always welcome  and so are your fresh views  -  really.  So welcome, and forgive and .....  bear with us.  We are hoping for the  best.           


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Re: House of Cards
« Reply #20 on: August 08, 2022, 09:26:47 PM »
No-one minds debate. But that’s fundamentally different to the same people popping up with thinly veiled pseudonyms cloaking their bile with a thinly disguised hint of genuineness. These are the same people that are appearing on bond forums dripping every bit of bad news in their ears. It more than likely won’t influence bond holders but the intent is there. They take some sort of childish pleasure in reporting back to their forums as to how they’ve inveigled their way in and drawn responses - genius - it’s not really difficult. I’m all for debate and differing opinions - that’s what forums should contain. But I personally don’t think that’s what SBSam or whatever other names they go under are after.

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Re: House of Cards
« Reply #21 on: August 08, 2022, 09:32:34 PM »
Surely VV will have an idea as to whether SBSam is a sock account or not, from looking at the IP address he used to register and post? (I mean, I guess he could be using a VPN, but that'd be going a bit far!)

Given the venom used when discussing Wasps at Sky Blues Talk - for the uninitiated, on a swear-words-per-second basis, think of Liam Gallagher ad-libbing the script to Reservoir Dogs - Sam is a veritable choirboy by comparison.


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Re: House of Cards
« Reply #22 on: August 08, 2022, 09:36:41 PM »
What 'precious set' that needs protecting? You don't half talk bollocks sometimes H'optera.


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Re: House of Cards
« Reply #23 on: August 09, 2022, 12:18:48 AM »

Bottom line is I personally don't want to hear from CCFC fans who don't support Wasps and wish us harm. I am happy to hear opinions of Wasps fans, and the fans of other rugby clubs, even if I disagree with them, and happy to chat with CCFC fans who are ambivalent towards us. But the golden test is - do they want us to succeed as an entity or go bust. That is the basic requirements to post on a Wasps fan forum- to not wish us to go bust. When we get infrequent visitors from other sites- like Chris from Sale- they might not want us to succeed on the pitch but would not wish us to go bust.


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Re: House of Cards
« Reply #24 on: August 09, 2022, 10:28:10 AM »
Plus 1 with bells.