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Author Topic: Signing to be announced at 11.00am - Yes, It's JEFF TOOMAGA-ALLEN!  (Read 17102 times)


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Re: Signing to be announced at 11.00am - Yes, It's JEFF TOOMAGA-ALLEN!
« Reply #30 on: January 18, 2019, 07:47:21 AM »
Just a thought but I wonder if Dai is trying to use this band of NZ exiles to establish a new mindset across the squad. If it is the case and it works, it could have a very positive effect on performances.


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Re: Signing to be announced at 11.00am - Yes, It's JEFF TOOMAGA-ALLEN!
« Reply #31 on: January 18, 2019, 08:06:13 AM »
I kind of agree with the previous commentary, I think Dai is running a 'new broom' kind of approach this season now. The results have been underwhelming (okay an understatement), and Dai and his team ploughing tons of energy into keeping players is not what he should or want to be doing, if the players have made their minds up. I suspect he has diverted his attention to creating a Wasps, that is now based in Coventry and focused on a different way moving forward, built on a core of loyal players, exciting recruits and solid academy promotees/young prospects. I am personally pretty excited by the front row recruitment, a bit more weight and power will do us no harm. JTA looks a frighteningly good acquisition and has played at the top level, that can be no bad thing. A bit of good news creates a buzz (like what I did there) and a more positive outlook for the club. The next challenge is a decision on full-back, does Dai go with Miller and promote Umaga to understudy...or does he cast his net outside, I suspect the net casting has begun as WLR has been a worst kept secret. ED is off IMO, the delay will be down to legal machinations or making time to make sure Wasps are adequately covered. We still need a replacement for Wade, as Neal is okay but not a natural and Watson will be leaving I think, as that was another project I suspect which hasn't paid off.

This last few days, after all of the rumor gloom and sniping from the anti-Wasps contingent on social media, feels uplifting. I for one am positive about the future. Onward.
It was fine when I left it.....


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Re: Signing to be announced at 11.00am - Yes, It's JEFF TOOMAGA-ALLEN!
« Reply #32 on: January 18, 2019, 08:39:10 AM »
This isn't about EQP payments, or nationality in terms of who you've played rugby for. A match day 23 is only allowed 2 foreigners, by law, you cannot treat EU players differently to English ones, so they don't count, you also can't count kolpak players differently from EU players, so they don't count. So if Sopoaga has Samoan citizenship, he comes under Kolpak.


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Re: Signing to be announced at 11.00am - Yes, It's JEFF TOOMAGA-ALLEN!
« Reply #33 on: January 18, 2019, 09:03:10 AM »
A match day 23 is only allowed 2 foreigners,

Really? Where did you find this little gem from?


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Re: Signing to be announced at 11.00am - Yes, It's JEFF TOOMAGA-ALLEN!
« Reply #34 on: January 18, 2019, 09:17:58 AM »
A match day 23 is only allowed 2 foreigners,

Really? Where did you find this little gem from?

How many foreign or overseas players can play in the Premiership?
It is important to note that the legal definition of foreign players is different to one of non-English players. In addition, players can fall under the Bosman or Kolpak rule. The Bosman ruling reinforced the Treaty of Rome in a sporting context, allowing the free movement of EU national workers around other EU countries. This effectively means any EU national has the same rights as any ‘local’ worker and therefore cannot be defined as a foreigner.

In the Premiership, the rule on foreign players has been amended to come into line with the regulations in European competitions. A maximum of two foreign players can now be on the pitch at any one time, at all periods during the season.



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Re: Signing to be announced at 11.00am - Yes, It's JEFF TOOMAGA-ALLEN!
« Reply #35 on: January 18, 2019, 09:45:02 AM »
A match day 23 is only allowed 2 foreigners,

That's not quite right Raggs, from your own link:

"A maximum of two foreign players can now be on the pitch at any one time"

So the squad can have more, but only two on the pitch at any one time.
& remembering the definition of "Foreigner" i.e. non EU or Kolpak.
So from a rugby perspective, NZ, Australia & Georgia are foreign.


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Re: Signing to be announced at 11.00am - Yes, It's JEFF TOOMAGA-ALLEN!
« Reply #36 on: January 18, 2019, 10:12:00 AM »
So if Sopoaga has Samoan citizenship, he comes under Kolpak

Don't know about that. He was born in NZ as was Jeff T-A. Fekitoa is presumably kolpak as he was born in Tonga. I would assume (hope) Wasps have done their homework on our new signings' future availability.


God knows what happens post Brexit, deal or no deal. The whole thing is such a clusterfuck.


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Re: Signing to be announced at 11.00am - Yes, It's JEFF TOOMAGA-ALLEN!
« Reply #37 on: January 18, 2019, 10:18:57 AM »
A match day 23 is only allowed 2 foreigners,

That's not quite right Raggs, from your own link:

"A maximum of two foreign players can now be on the pitch at any one time"

So the squad can have more, but only two on the pitch at any one time.
& remembering the definition of "Foreigner" i.e. non EU or Kolpak.
So from a rugby perspective, NZ, Australia & Georgia are foreign.

What is Kolpak? Sorry for being stupid but I've never heard of it before?


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Re: Signing to be announced at 11.00am - Yes, It's JEFF TOOMAGA-ALLEN!
« Reply #38 on: January 18, 2019, 10:25:38 AM »
The Kolpak ruling is a European Court of Justice ruling handed down on 8 May 2003 in favour of Maroš Kolpak, a Slovak handball player. It declared that citizens of countries which have signed European Union Association Agreements have the same right to freedom of work and movement within the EU as EU citizens.

So if you are a citizen of South Africa, which has signed an appropriate agreement, you have the same employment rights as an EU citizen.

I assume citizenship may be different from residency rules, so some of the NZ contingent may qualify if they have passports from other, EU or Kolpak countries.

As noted though, no one know what will happen long term after B**x*t


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Re: Signing to be announced at 11.00am - Yes, It's JEFF TOOMAGA-ALLEN!
« Reply #39 on: January 18, 2019, 12:13:29 PM »
A match day 23 is only allowed 2 foreigners,

That's not quite right Raggs, from your own link:

"A maximum of two foreign players can now be on the pitch at any one time"

So the squad can have more, but only two on the pitch at any one time.
& remembering the definition of "Foreigner" i.e. non EU or Kolpak.
So from a rugby perspective, NZ, Australia & Georgia are foreign.

True, but I doubt many DORs risk having a third on the bench in case of injury forcing replacements, maybe prop for prop/hooker for hooker etc.

I'd not considered Georgia though! That means Zhvania, JTA and Gopps would be likely "foreigners" that I can think of.


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Re: Signing to be announced at 11.00am - Yes, It's JEFF TOOMAGA-ALLEN!
« Reply #40 on: January 18, 2019, 12:44:32 PM »
The Kolpak ruling is a European Court of Justice ruling handed down on 8 May 2003 in favour of Maroš Kolpak, a Slovak handball player. It declared that citizens of countries which have signed European Union Association Agreements have the same right to freedom of work and movement within the EU as EU citizens.

So if you are a citizen of South Africa, which has signed an appropriate agreement, you have the same employment rights as an EU citizen.

I assume citizenship may be different from residency rules, so some of the NZ contingent may qualify if they have passports from other, EU or Kolpak countries.

As noted though, no one know what will happen long term after B**x*t

Blimey.. that's complicated. But if you have a work permit (assuming you're from USA.. Argentina, NZ ) that usurps the Kolpak ruling


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Re: Signing to be announced at 11.00am - Yes, It's JEFF TOOMAGA-ALLEN!
« Reply #41 on: January 18, 2019, 01:13:03 PM »
Does it circumvent the Premiership Rugby rules?


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Re: Signing to be announced at 11.00am - Yes, It's JEFF TOOMAGA-ALLEN!
« Reply #42 on: January 18, 2019, 01:26:02 PM »
my understanding is that a work permit allows you to play in the country issuing the permit. It doesn't impact on the premierships rules around "Foreigners". Those 2 foreigners that can be in the squad must have work permits, but having a work permit doesn't mean you are not a foreigner.


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Re: Signing to be announced at 11.00am - Yes, It's JEFF TOOMAGA-ALLEN!
« Reply #43 on: January 18, 2019, 02:38:20 PM »

Sops, Fekitoa, Shields and this man make 4 AB's..isn't that 1 over the match day total of foreigners?

Shields is English. Sops is likely classed as Samoan, so Kolpak, Fekitoa classed as Tongan, so Kolpak, then Jeff, so just the one. However with Brexit, it'll be interesting to see what happens there...

Of course Shields is...knob moment, what was i thinking

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Re: Signing to be announced at 11.00am - Yes, It's JEFF TOOMAGA-ALLEN!
« Reply #44 on: January 18, 2019, 03:46:43 PM »
Shields is EQP but you dont need a UK passport to be EQP.Is it possible that he has a NZ passport not UK and therefore is simultaneously foreign and a true-brit? :o