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Author Topic: The Wuss game - was it all that bad?  (Read 2899 times)


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The Wuss game - was it all that bad?
« on: February 04, 2019, 02:00:17 PM »
I know we lost by a fair margin in the end but it was basically a dead rubber for us, and Wuss had something to play for. The game was close for quite a long time before they eventually pulled away.

I thought our defence has looked much improved recently, but I think we have a good defence for 60-65 minutes per match and that clearly still isn't good enough. Even yesterday, I though for the most part our structures and organisation were pretty good throughout but some individual mistakes allowed them in.

Also, a few of our players were coming back from injury, or it was their first match for a while so it was understandable there was an element of rustiness.

Lima is a bit of a paradox - I think we were expecting him to take a leadership position but to date it doesn't look like he is that sort of player. The fact that he has had other 'non-leaders' play alongside him hasn't helped so I think he would improve with Robson at 9 and/or Gopps at 12. You usually need some kind of leadership from the half-backs.

Other players are being judged unfairly against some of the worlds best, e.g. Miller is no WLR, but who is? Miller had a decent game overall, and I would want to give him the chance to claim the 15 shirt next year. He was good for us and can be again.

Charlie Matthews has been a bit of a revelation to be honest - his signing was queried but he looks like he could be a good player for us.

All in all, I quite enjoyed the game, and didn't think that Wasps were quite as bad as some would have you believe, and I don't really drink so I wasn't drunk!


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Re: The Wuss game - was it all that bad?
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2019, 02:34:54 PM »
To be positive, there were some really good aspects of the game. I don't have the stats, but in the first 20 minutes we camped in our own 22 and simply gave the ball back to them. That they didn't score so much in the first half was down to the repeated errors made by Wuss, NOT our defence. They lacked the belief. As the game went on, they gained that belief, and started to click. The last 20 minutes they cut out the errors, and walked all over us.

So, what went well? The scrum, although we did get pushed around a bit, that was missing personnel. Our lineouts were good, and we disrupted them. Our defence of the lineout maul was good, and lineout maul was better than it has been. Defence around the scrum, back of the lineout and around the ruck was good.

Now, quite a few players had of of those game turning mind farts. But that isn't how to measure a game, and I won't count those against them. Simmo made an impossible dart for the line from 5m, left himself open to turnover, and a few seconds later Wuss scored a try (converted). Watson assisted a break for the line started by Josh. All he had to do was pass it outside to a 2 man overlap in plenty of space. Instead he chose to cut to the posts and lost the ball. That was the moment when the game turned.

Simmo's box kicking, whilst not as good as Weir's (not many SH's are), was good. Wuss were very good at disrupting our possession, but Simmo coped well and got it out fast and accurately when he could. Josh had an excellent game. But the ball rarely got along the backs. It rarely got past Gaby, who more than once decided to run sideways across the pitch and eat up any space, or he would run into two defenders who would take the ball off him. Simmo to Lima to JdJ worked fine.

But, we frequently found ourselves with three scrum players covering midfield facing players like Heem. He simply ran through them. The midfield thrusts by their locks and back row were often met by Mr Nobody as one of our props watched them run through. Again, Wuss muffed a load of these chances. Miller often tackled hard, and with someone also hitting from behind only 5m from the line, the ball went forward.

We lost the ball over and over again in the tackle as the tackled player went down unsupported. Even if he was supported, Wuss turned up in numbers and pushed us off and knicked the ball. Dozens of times.

None of this is new. Week in, week out this year. We have won 2 of the last 18, 4 of the last 22. A team playing 'well' we are not. I have been to all the Home games and three of the away games so far, and this was the worst overall performance. Don't get me wrong, I do not mean to criticise. But, it is what it is.

I look forwards to the next game, versus Sale. I hope we can turn it around.


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Re: The Wuss game - was it all that bad?
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2019, 02:58:48 PM »
To beat Sale we are going to have to have some confidence from beating Bears and they are no mugs, especially at home.

I wish we'd have not lost Gops this season, I have a feeling the season would be looking a bit different with him in the team, not just the player, the man.

The only positive I can take from this loss is that Gaby and Watson shouldn't be featuring in a regular line up and that Worc are also no mugs at home.


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Re: The Wuss game - was it all that bad?
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2019, 03:20:22 PM »
To beat Sale we are going to have to have some confidence from beating Bears and they are no mugs, especially at home.

I wish we'd have not lost Gops this season, I have a feeling the season would be looking a bit different with him in the team, not just the player, the man.

The only positive I can take from this loss is that Gaby and Watson shouldn't be featuring in a regular line up and that Worc are also no mugs at home.

Agreed. Worcester are a good team on the day. We only just beat them (by one missed penalty at the end) at the start of the year. I feel like we just need to click and all will be better/well. That is about confidence in the self and team.


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Re: The Wuss game - was it all that bad?
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2019, 03:54:27 PM »
A few points from above

Weir isn't their 9 so doesn't box kick. He has though been an astute signing for Wuss.
Missing Gopps was/is unfortunate but something isn't right when we're having to rely on a 48 yr old (I jest) to give our backline some compass.
Both Gaby and Watson seemed like good signings, both had good CV's and were performing well at the time of being signed but seemed to have peaked in their careers as soon as they signed for us. Dai couldn't have predicted that.
In my opinion Sops is standing too deep and static expecting miracles around him. He will work things out.

I think our pack has stood up against other packs the whole season pretty well, but some of them must be running on empty at the moment. Nemo was running around like a mad headless chicken at some points in defence, then had to try and carry the ball as well.

I don't think you can under-estimate the mental side of things.. heading into a game knowing its a dead rubber (which brings up the ring-fencing debate again).

Wuss had something to play for, that being said Wuss are now competing on 3 fronts. I wonder how that will effect them later on in the season?

Simmo is slowly getting back to his former self.. the only thing missing is his sniping runs from the base of the scrum or ruck

We are still 6th (I think) so imagine how some other clubs' supporters are feeling


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Re: The Wuss game - was it all that bad?
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2019, 04:06:24 PM »
Not sure age has anything to do with what someone brings to a team BG, Smith anyone? I also highlighted Jimmy the man, not player, he's a vocal leader and defensive juggernaut beyond his stature, a distributor and game reader. I'd argue we miss him more than...dare i say the name.
Gaby and Watson looked like decent signings, its not Dai's fault at all that they have fallen to such an extent.
I agree on Sops and he is starting to frustrate me a bit, he has pedigree but he just isn't displaying it yet, even the glimpses are too far between for someone of his billing. Sit slightly flatter, ship the ball on a second later and the backline doesn't look as predictable.
I agree it'll click at some point, sooner than later hopefully, losing has become a habit that needs some cold turkey.


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Re: The Wuss game - was it all that bad?
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2019, 04:12:15 PM »
Agree with much that has been said.
I think Gops missing has been a big minus. On yesterday it was good to see Joe back. I thought we had a few plus mark players in Carr, Bassett, Simpson, JdeJ, Matthews, Gaskell, Cruise and I thought Miller was better - just needs game time. Tommy playing was good to see but looked rusty. Watson and Gaby were liabilities to my mind. The rest were below average I think.
There does seem a complete lack of confidence in much of what they do.
Lima had flashes of good play but still looks lost at times. I do have faith that he will get there. Searle is a good player but struggles too.
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Re: The Wuss game - was it all that bad?
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2019, 04:36:15 PM »
I'm sad about Gaby, he did some great things when he first signed, and then dropped off form in a big way.  For a brief moment in an A game he looked like he might have found his mojo again, but sadly not...
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Re: The Wuss game - was it all that bad?
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2019, 04:58:56 PM »
I never expected anything from that game. It was only 50/50 that I watched it. As Gaz says: it was a totally dead rubber for us and Wuss were playing for a home quarter/semi final in a no account competition which can't even attract a sponsor. In the circumstances I was quite surprised we held it together for as long as we did.

As I posted elsewhere, I don't like to single out players but Watson's case of white line fever was absolutely dreadful. If we had scored then, as a try was virtually a certainty, the game could easily have gone differently.

Like Gaz, I am a bit puzzled by Lima. I'm not sure if anyone noticed but the replay right at the end of the first half showed that he made a genuine try saving tackle after they broke through. I have no doubt that he's trying hard but thing's just don't seem to be running for him. He needs quick ball (who doesn't) and Joe sometimes takes an age to get it out. Though he is quick to the breakdown, he wants everything 'just so' before he moves the ball on.
This does not help. Definitely missing Jimmy Gopps badly.

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Re: The Wuss game - was it all that bad?
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2019, 05:25:12 PM »
I agree with most comments. We did a heck of a job defending under pressure in the first half, starting pressing Wuss in the second & got ahead, and then seemed to run out of steam and made some silly mistakes. I was feeling quite positive up to that point and then lost heart - is that what happened to the team too.
The good points:
- Bassett’s involvement in two tries. What could he have done if the centres got the ball to him.
- Matthews who did a great job taking a couple of our kick-offs. I appreciate he might have been just a bit offside but second rows should be allowed a second’s start. And he tackles well.
- Cruse: What would we have done without him in the last couple of months. Give him a rest now that Taylor is back - thank goodness.
- Miller: he was there with Bassett & Watson. He’s played so little in the last few months he must be rusty.

As for Watson, he scored a good try a couple of games ago - but shouldn’t have tried to score again yesterday! It was a daft decision.


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Re: The Wuss game - was it all that bad?
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2019, 09:11:40 PM »
Plenty of positives, loads in fact, but we looked better without Lima/with Searle.
Watson's master butchery and Gaby's performance not withstanding, I was not that perturbed.