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Author Topic: Which Wasps players played the most and least minutes in the 2018/19 season?  (Read 1574 times)


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Bobby Bridge gets his abacus out.

Josh Bassett certainly earned his corn this season!


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Makes for interesting reading. I wonder how this data compares to other clubs?

Rowlands and Carr have really earned their pennies this season considering they are at the coalface

BTW, is Ben Harris staying with us for next season?


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Would be interesting to see how it compares to other prem teams but when you see that some of our most influential players haven't even got to 50% you can see the issues.

Key ones are SH, Simmo had the highest at only 38%, Lima was our highest played FH and he was only 58%.

Then Launch at only 27%!

It does show potentially why we struggled with consistency.

Just looked at Bobby's best 15 prior to the start of the season and how much time they have played, it adds up to an average of 37%.


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65 players used !!
It kind of shows how badly upset our season was. Also quite a few Academy and others used - yes I know we put out Academy based teams for the Prem Cup but I suspect we used more than most others.
Let me tell you something cucumber