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Author Topic: Morning all!  (Read 1388 times)


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Morning all!
« on: January 15, 2022, 06:48:17 AM »
Good morning from a cold and frosty Guildford! I am up with the lark, which after my works belated Christmas do last night I cannot guarantee some of my colleagues will be. The upside to having to drive means I have no hangover whilst some will be nursing some monster ones. Thus coffee is on the go, a walk in the Surrey hills awaits and a whole afternoon of European rugby awaits.

Although I hate the way the tournament is currently structured, and vehemently hope the pool and knockout phases return next term (maybe with a little tweak here and there), I have to admit watching our lads take on Europe’s finest is always a pleasure in itself. I have said all along injuries have blighted our campaign, and although benefits can be drawn from this by exposing players to top level rugby and experience that will serve us longer term. The trade off is that -in my humble opinion- Europe is beyond us this year as top 6 and qualification for next years tournament should be our goal.

However let’s not throw the baby out with the Bath water. Today should be about the boys expressing themselves and laying a marker down. And for us to enjoy the occasion. So let’s give it a crack and enjoy ourselves. I am looking forward to this one and certainly seeing Paulo back in the black and gold!

Come on you Wasps!


Once a Wasp ALWAYS a Wasp!

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Re: Morning all!
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2022, 07:04:38 AM »
Morning All

Freezing fog here for the dog walk. Hope it clears before the trip to the CBSA.

Wasn't confident last week and came away with no voice at the end. Not too confident against Tibo and his Euro Champion mates but strange things happen. I do wish some of our ever presents had been given a rest (for wo weeks?) but I suspect they wanted to be involved. Hoping for a good atmosphere but with it on terrestrial tv I some how doubt it - last week lifted the lads.

Safe travels to all going - be loud.

Let me tell you something cucumber


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Re: Morning all!
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2022, 07:57:10 AM »
Good morning all. Lovely winter dawn in Hastings. Can't say I'm looking forward to the game. I've always loved the Heiny but not this season. What with Covid mucking it up and our huge injury list, we haven't the resources to go to war on two fronts. All I hope is that we don't embarrass ourselves and get out injury free. But I'll still be watching and cheering the boys on.


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Re: Morning all!
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2022, 08:01:04 AM »
Morning all.

Was expecting to be gradually getting ready for the trip up the M40, but circumstances (COVID) have meant I will have to be coaching until early afternoon instead,

Gutted :(

Whatever the result, I hope the boys put up a show like last weekend, and that all those going have a good time.


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Re: Morning all!
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2022, 08:21:49 AM »
Morning all from a cold and frosty S Glos. Dog's only made it to the garden as I watch the England Test team coming third in a two horse race.......over a cup of tea. We'll go proper walkies in a bit, once the edge has gone off the temps.....

As for today - it's a big challenge, especially for those who've played lots of minutes or are just coming back to the team. I'd hope for a constructive performance with no new injuries and something that continues the "feel good" outcome from last week. They are a big team with class players, we'll need to play our own game and it will be a challenge for our 10 coming back into the team (I know he played last week!) and Jacob at 15 but if we get a decent performance and Mills gets some game time, I'll be v pleased.

Be watching with coffee and bacon sarnie in hand....and so fighting off my dog.....who is a fan of such sarnies!

Have a good day, everyone.


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Re: Morning all!
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2022, 08:44:02 AM »
Morning all. Starting this cold, frosty day with a coffee and catch up on the disaster that is  currently English test cricket...what a shambles !
Not too sure about today. Normally love our European adventures but the format and covid have rather dampened my enthusiasum. However will be behind the boys, cheering them on from deepest Sussex. Great to see Paulo back, interesting to see Jacob at 15 and hope Biyi has got his breath back. Our chances are slim but hope is eternal. COYW!!


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Re: Morning all!
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2022, 09:12:28 AM »
Morning all, cold and frosty here in Cov, feels strange that this early in the morning already thinking about heading to the CBS in a couple of hours, probably people already on the way!
Not sure on this one as slightly intrigued by the selection but seem to be backed into another team sheet that we normally wouldn't see, but the spirit in the team is amazing and hoping for a win, if nothing else to wind up a colleague at work who comes from Toulouse.


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Re: Morning all!
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2022, 09:21:25 AM »
Morning all. Things closer to normality here as it is announced that crowds are to return to Wales soon.
I think today is one of those days where if we nick a W  coupled with last week, it could be season defining in terms of momentum.
I was delighted to see Odogwu back, but injuries from last week means we are as strong as last week. V soon I hope for selection headaches for the right reasons.


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Re: Morning all!
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2022, 09:22:03 AM »
Morning all, took a very chilly walk to work this morning where I'm currently waiting for some custom.

Last week will have given the boys some much needed confidence and I see us going well today even though we will miss Stooke and Fifita in the engine room.



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Re: Morning all!
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2022, 09:28:35 AM »
Very chilly outside, and cloudy. Looks like it ought to be snowing, but isn't. I wonder if being this cold will help us?


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Re: Morning all!
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2022, 09:30:57 AM »
Good morning  everyone, and here's to a happy day.  It's very misty round here but hopefully it 'll clear up.  Mr WW plus a friend with daughter are going to shout for Wasps as I have earache and don't fancy travelling.  I'm very annoyed about that  as I really really wanted to be there  to watch and cheer the team on, especially the returning and the new players  - and my favourites too of course.  Safe journeys to you all, and Allez Allez Allez ................ C O Y W .... you really can do this.  Good luck boys ...................................


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Re: Morning all!
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2022, 09:45:41 AM »
Morning from a foggy ( but gradually clearing) Essex.  Think with the backs we are fielding we have a chance if we can get lots of broken play, though it could be crash and burn time.

 Betting odds seem to be around 2:1 for with ST 1:2 so definitely underdogs but after last week who knows.

 Safe travels to those making the journey.


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Re: Morning all!
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2022, 09:47:09 AM »
Morning Wombles, Neils, Rossm, RogerE, mike909, Pompeyman, andermt, westwaleswasp, coddy, Nelly, Wonky and all interested in the game today. Best wishes to you and yours. I have had several reminders this week how important it is to focus on what really is important and how easy it is to get distracted or put too much emphasis on silly distractions.

I am forgetting about championships for today and want to just enjoy today's game.

I wish you all health, happiness and a modicum of wealth. Here's to a great game between two great teams. Safe travels.

Come on you Wasps!



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Re: Morning all!
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2022, 10:09:18 AM »
Morning all. Hoping we can take something from this to keep us in a competition of some sort. Trusting the coaching team selection wise although it is a little odd for me.


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Re: Morning all!
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2022, 10:11:27 AM »
Anyone about to set off from "the East" beware the thick fog. Amazing the number driving without lights!
Let me tell you something cucumber