Always a Wasp

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Messages - BG

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Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Injury Update
« on: October 08, 2020, 10:49:43 AM »
An expensive playmate and training coach apprentice

Have the eating places on the concourse been open ? And the casino?

I did think previously that they could have opened the supporters club bar when games were on or even used full time as a standard bar.

The concourse is inside the stadium so since the pre-spring lockdown, I doubt the the concessions have seen the light of day from that point.

I think the casino is run by another company, not Wasps. It is large enough to probably host a small concert.. if it were not for all the gambling machines.. roulette wheels.. dinner tables etc.

Wasps could hire a TV truck Screen (like you have for motorsport events) for the car park.. everyone stays in their cars.. solves the problem of social distancing

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Premiership Rugby statement
« on: October 06, 2020, 03:47:46 PM »
It's possible that the Sale players from the Saint's game who are selected tested negative last time. However, they would need to test negative again to assume that conclusion otherwise the risk is too great, particularly if the cause of the outbreak is down to a false negative result.

I was under the impression that if you had been exposed to a confirmed case then you were legally obliged to isolate for 14 days regardless of positive or negative tests.  It is only those people who develop symptoms with no known exposure who can stop isolating after a negative test.

That's what I thought as well. Frankly how the positive tests came about is irrelevant (do the clubs themselves take the samples from players? )

I can't believe PHE haven't asked to intervene but then again it has transpired that one PHE area has been using old Excel spreadsheets to compile data and didn't realise that a spreadsheet has a limited amount of data it can hold

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Premiership Rugby statement
« on: October 04, 2020, 08:54:14 PM »
Surely govt/local auth/PHE guidelines (dare I say it laws. . I can't keep up) usurp anything that has been agreed by PRL and the clubs.

Pat Lam actually gave us a hint of how much work it takes to keep his squad at a manageable minimal risk. I presume that requires players and whoever they live with to be in a very tight bubble.. then you have the club bubble. I'm guessing the bubble that the players and coaches are livinh in to try and get the season finished affects what their partners can or can't do as well.

He implied that perhaps getting 1 case every few weeks in one club.. or indeed over the whole premiership is to be expected.. but to get 19 in one small organisation... in 1 week... he honestly looked gobsmacked. I'm sure all players.. all coaches.. all staff know its their jobs on the line if they break protocols

Something has gone badly wrong at Sale. Could one person within the squad breaking their bubble create such a knock on effect?

If it was a pig processing plant.. PHE would be all over it like a rash (rashers). I can't understand why Sale haven't immediately been locked down until the source has been found

Taking new tests on Tuesday isn't going to help as the guideline incubation period might be 10 - 14 days.

Maybe the Sale squad all went on a group long drive to a castle to test their eyesight.. if so, they are all in the clear.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Siya Kolisi
« on: October 04, 2020, 09:21:46 AM »
A WC winning Capt wouldn't be cheap (when most clubs are struggling to survive) and he'd be away with SA for a 3rd of the year at least.

Sounds like an agent trying to create interest by throwing various club names into the press.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Premiership Rugby statement
« on: October 03, 2020, 09:19:56 PM »
As I understood it Sale claimed they were in a position to play tomorrow.

They should, therefore, name their team tomorrow, and stick to it in that case, and none of the team who played last week should be allowed to play next Wednesday.

In my view it should be taken out of PRL's hands (as they seem unwilling to make a decision). To have that many numbers within a very small working environment would normally flag up major questions.

I don't have children but what's the average size of a primary school.. ? Would it be 3 times bigger (staff and pupils) than a prem rugby club?

What if a primary school went down with 50 cases.. children and staff (players and coaches). Wouldn't someone be asking questions as to how.. why.. then start tracking back.. who's been where.. have some of the pupils been (players) been outside of bubbles that they shouldn't have been in.

It has happend in other sports.. Sergio Perez missed 2 F1 GP races.. Jorge Martin in Moto 2 GP.. but to have half your squad.. did they all go to vegas for a week-end or something? Maybe there was a big BBQ in Joberg? Perhaps they all took a guided tour of the Manchester ship canal curious about the industrial heritage?

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Premiership Rugby statement
« on: October 03, 2020, 03:46:16 PM »
Just when you thought PRL were growing a spine

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Genius idea
« on: October 03, 2020, 02:46:32 PM »
It looked a little deer.. perhaps they had to reign in the numbers attending

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: 3 games for Elia
« on: October 03, 2020, 09:47:20 AM »

Outcome hasn't been a factor for quite a few seasons.. which irritates one eyed supporters when they see their player make a clear head tackle with force, gets a red card, a 4 week ban but point to the fact the receiving player got up and carried on playing, inferring that tackle wasn't that bad.

The refs used to operate to the same thought process but now take into consideration "mitigating factors"

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Genius idea
« on: October 02, 2020, 09:46:43 AM »
No prices available yet but if he interested in taking my daughter to that as she watches that programme a lot.

From their website

"There are limited tickets for each show priced at £45 per sleigh (car) (£2.50 booking fee applies). Grab the reigns and secure your space for the drive-in event of the season."

There have been weakened teams left, right and centre since the season resumed.  There's an element of luck of the draw to it, and it worked nicely in our favour against Bristol.  Was expected to go against us at Sarries, but that turned out OK!  It's a squad game and clubs can pick anyone who is eligible.  I still expect Exeter to bring a bit of a hybrid team to the Ricoh.  And Baxter's dead right, they have 100% earned the right to go with whatever selection they choose and manage their players through the remaining games as they see fit.

On a side note, but not unrelated to the need to manage squads effectively, just seen Manu's out for 6 months.  Seem to remember a number of comments at the time of his move to Sale that it was a lot of money (reportedly) for someone who will spend more time injured than fit.  Thought it was a bad bit of business for Sale at the time and so it has turned out.  My perception is that through the busy schedule in recent weeks, Sale have been less inclined to rotate than others, and they do seem to have picked up a number of injuries recently.  Coincidence?

Out for 6 months??

Really bad luck for sicknote..

On the plus side for Sale.. that 6 months wiill mostly be part of their next season's salary cap.

I think long term injured players' salaries can be taken away from the salary cap.

Could they use the 10 - 15 corporate window boxes that actually face onto the pitch.. (west stand). Technically people wouldn't be in the stadium due to the double glazed sliding doors.

40 or 50 people in each, a buffet and complimentary drinks. I'd sign up to that.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: New season delayed until Jan 2021?
« on: September 29, 2020, 09:54:40 AM »
The weekly/monthly loss is still acruing regardless of whether the new season starts as planned or in 3 months time because players are being payed irrespective of whether any games are being played now or from a delayed start.

If crowds are allowed back into stadia in Jan/Feb and the season has been delayed to start at the ppoint, then I can see the argument, as that will mean more games with turnstile revenue.. in the meantime.. the club has had to fork out Oct/NovDec/Jan full squad wages.

Can most clubs manage that? Will some clubs even be in business to take part in a Jan/Feb season start?

The other possible outcome from delaying the start is BT not coughing up their 20/21 TV money until the season starts.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: New season delayed until Jan 2021?
« on: September 27, 2020, 10:37:37 AM »
Does the timing of the start of the season effect things?

Players will still have to be paid this autumn and winter regardless of whether the seasons starts within a month or 4 months.

The only way clubs can survive is to stop paying players their current contracts and I can't see the players accepting another massive pay cut and the club can't force that upon the players. With no income what could the clubs afford.. £20k P/A pro rata for each squad member until the season starts in Jan/Feb/March.

Can clubs put themselves into voluntary liquidation (presuming that all of them will be run under Limited Company status) start up new "phoenix" companies and then re-hire the players on temporary nominal contracts (I'm playing devils advocate).

The other thing to consider is BT. Apparently they were compliant by still paying staged payments to PRL whilst there was no rugby to televise.

I can't see them taking the same view if they are faced with another 4 month barren period and personally, I'd take the same view with our contract with BT

Apparently reduced from £500k - £50k (same media outlet source) which I'm trying to get my head around.

If true it sort of points to the RFU's ineptness.

"Let's see if we can get away with charging half a million.. if not.. we'll accept £50k ".. errr

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