Always a Wasp

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Messages - Steadywasp

Pages: [1]
Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Ticketsheister coming our way
« on: April 02, 2022, 08:49:50 AM »
The information explains that you can add friends and family to your “network” in order to be able to book tickets for them from your login. To do this each member of the network has to set up their own login and then you need to wait for the system to get its ducks in a row before it will allow you to add the member to your network. In my case it was overnight.

First 4 Bye weeks of the season should be prem finalists and loosing semi-finalists.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Joe and Alfie released by Eddie
« on: February 22, 2022, 08:29:02 PM »
A casual observer might question EJs motive for not releasing two key players to a club coached by an ex-employee knowing that he had no intention of retaining them in the 23. And at the same time allowing an experienced prop to leave the group for a few days in order to play against said team knowing that he was going to de retained. Hopefully there are some probing questions being asked, but I doubt it!

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: TRP
« on: January 30, 2022, 10:21:47 AM »
In his feature on Dan Robson on page three, Paul Rees states that “Wasps have no beaten Saracens at home for four years . . .” I seem to remember beating them by the odd fifty points on 21st February 2020.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Wade and The NFL
« on: April 12, 2019, 07:03:48 PM »
I often listen to radio 5 live in the early hours.  This morning there was a long interview with Christian about how he is getting on.  Very good listen.  You can hear it on the bbc sounds app.  Browse to the “Up all night” program for Friday 12th April and drag the timeline to 2.12 and 30 seconds.

Best  regards


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