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Messages - Hymenoptera

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Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Gloucester v Wasps: Post Match Thoughts
« on: September 13, 2022, 03:28:48 PM »
They looked pretty confident in the first half on Sunday........

Even in the first few minutes of the second half until we dropped the ball........
Did they are were Glaws just slow out of the blocks? As soon a Glaws decided to play, it was over.
All this talk as if this was the first game of a new chapter...remove the close season, add this as the next game and it's just an extension of what we saw all last season, being able to stay in a game while we have the ball, as soon as the opposition has any period of retention, we get run over. Let's not even mention an inability to turn a chance into a score...kings of the squander!
I saw some good individual performances but as a team, I saw what I have seen the last 2 8th, 9th soon to be 10th placed team.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: What Lee Said Post Match.
« on: September 12, 2022, 03:32:51 PM »
Sounds like a politician to me.

A long interview where he actually answered pretty much nothing.

We can say it's hard to go to Gloucester and come away with a win and so we should be happy with a point, and that there is lots to be excited about.  But we've known for ages that there is real ability and massive potential in this side. It's his job to harness that, and so far he has conclusively failed to do that.

You are not a fan of Lee are you V V?

For me - our capitulation had nothing to do with Lee’s coaching. It was the players that couldn’t deal with the pressure being placed upon them and it wasn’t Lee’s fault we went into the game without key players.

In the first half, we were top drawer and were one successful pass away from an outstanding victory and Lee being lauded.

I thought Charlie played his best game for Wasps, our new signings played well and I’m hopeful we will have a better season.
VV is rightly referring to the last couple of seasons, not one isolated game.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Selection Dilemmas
« on: September 06, 2022, 07:00:37 PM »

So much for our "best pack in the league" hopes (or something close to it.

First game of the season and we're already talking about weaknesses

I did mention this in another thread. Potentially on the back foot from day1.

And all other clubs have full squads, 100% fit?

Won't that depend on whether we win - we never beat full strength teams...apparently.
It's only 'apparent' if you missed the last two season..

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Bucket Loads of Rugby for less than 15 quid
« on: September 02, 2022, 03:50:13 PM »
It looks like peacock UK doesn't include sport
Correct, this is US, hence the $19USD

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Bucket Loads of Rugby for less than 15 quid
« on: September 01, 2022, 04:21:00 PM »
Peacock TV has a sale on if anyone is interested in saving some cash. 19.99$ USD for the entire year.

Your welcome.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Recruitment freeze lifted
« on: September 01, 2022, 04:18:32 PM »
Ted Hill is quality but we don't need a back row.
For god sake, can we please get linked to a back player, ideally a center or FB

I'd be happy with Venter or Oli Morris (my first preference). I note Nanai is still listed with them...thought he was a free agent, another quality back.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Recruitment freeze lifted
« on: August 30, 2022, 05:45:50 PM »
Are we in a position to be so righteous? There are some very good players there that other teams are already working to bring in, yet we won't be looking to do the same.
I didn't realize we were that good...I'm expecting top 2 now.

Exactly Chunky. Quins win nothing if they don’t have Collier, Marler, Louw or Herrod.
The same front row when the team was getting battered under Gustard....hmmmm.
I'd bet the % of tries scored from a scrum or scrum pen is small in the overall % scored, most being attributed to open field play, which requires skill not brawn, so I'm not buying that.
Reads like 'if you can't coach a team to play, find the biggest strongest guys you can' to me.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Squad 22/23
« on: August 17, 2022, 03:32:52 PM »
Love the annual optimism.
In the real world, we are weaker than last season, that's surely a fact. The backs remain unchanged other than an average SA 12, who either didn't start or didn't finish for his club last season and what I saw in his appearances, left me flat as a pancake. If 12's his best position, I'd hate to see him at 13. He'll soon be coached to drop, knock on and pass behind oncoming players soon enough anyway.
Whilst Kock is a very (very) good player, he's a terrible signing and you have to ask why Sarries let him go...Sarries being the inverse to Wasps in their recruitment and coaching ability.
Let's be clear, he won't have asked for a move to Wasps. Sarries will have offered less than he wants based on shrood planning, leaving Wasps to jump on yet another poor recruitment decision, opening the cheque book to strengthen an area of relative strength.
We have opted to sign a player that this season we'll be lucky to see before 2023...just before heading into a world cup year! The guy doesn't even need a locker.
Sarries clearly saw there is little value in retaining him, leaving some other mugs to pick him up. I'd love to know the next two seasons cost per game stats.
It's fine thinking we'll have him for Europe..we're in the Challenge cup and likely will be next season..
Great players don't make great signings. We needed sparkle in the backs, not a part time big name forward.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Big News
« on: August 16, 2022, 03:00:07 PM »
Thinks it's fairly public that Worc are having issues, but no-one wants to talk about them as much as they do Wasps.
Is any attention better than no attention?

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Wadey in todays DT
« on: August 15, 2022, 08:34:52 PM »
There was I worried there wouldn't be a Wade article this week....

Woodward was a cracking player a few seasons ago. Unfortunaltely for him (and Gloucester) his body just broke and he was perma-injured.

Very good point that Miller would offer more than Woodward - I agree. Wouldn't be an upgrade, and that's what you have to be looking at every time.
Miller is as broken as woodward, so not sure he would.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Derek Speaks
« on: August 13, 2022, 03:43:29 PM »
Unlikely, Barney wasn't an argumentative attention seeker from what I remember.

Thanks for making a snide, one-line drive-by attack in a thread that has otherwise been pretty nuanced and civil, despite various points of disagreement. Very helpful!

I think CODY has been balanced.

Non-sarcastic thanks for that, Wombles - you make some very fair points in the rest of this post, and while I don't concur with all of them, you've certainly given me food for thought.

How do you know who Grendel is then?

This isn't quite the "gotcha!" you seem to think it is, I'm afraid - I've been visiting SBT on and off since the most recent bond update two weeks ago, in an attempt to see what the 'other side' makes of it all, and Grendel appears to be quite a notorious prat even among his fellow CCFC fans.

Calm down CoDY;  you're in danger of imploding.

I'm trying to stay calm, Wonky, really I am - not easy in this heat, speaking as someone who finds anything above 25°C to be uncomfortable! - but it gets a bit tiresome to face accusations of acting in bad faith on such a regular basis. I'm sure you can understand that. As for "imploding", it certainly isn't my intention to lose my rag and get myself banned, if that's what you mean.

I guess it boils down to expectation. CODY wanted a full dialogue around five or six things. Personally, I think the statement is more than Richardson was obliged to do (which was nothing). Neither expectation is wrong. Contrary to what some outside of this forum think there is plenty of disagreement here but it’s conducted in a reasoned manner - differing opinions don’t indicate interlopers. Let’s be honest - if someone wanted to set up a fake account just to wind people up that’s very much their problem.

Thank you, Shugs - as with Wombles' post above, this was greatly appreciated, despite our differing perspectives on Richardson's statement.

The club is solid, there are no plans for CVAs or other financial implements.

But Richardson's comments didn't preclude anything but administration, as TeflonTed and SBSam have already pointed out. That's what bugged me in the first place!

Thanks to anyone who bothered to read this far, and apologies for the War and Peace-esque post.

Don't sweat it. You'll get used to the same few who have little to offer other than snide or sarcastic comments.
While I don't agree Derek is required to offer any more as a quote, keeping the response succinct and classy, i welcome your POV.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: House of Cards
« on: August 08, 2022, 07:03:12 PM »
Is it possible to clutch straws with your head buried in the sand?

I'll be clear here. This is a Wasps forum, if you are solely here to spread negative rumours and run down Wasps you'll be banned.

This is the only warning you, or any others will get.

Oh dear. So there is one strand of opinions allowed and they have to be positive. F'raid VV you are taking a wrong un here and sure I will be banned but your threats are sad.
The forum needs balance and most here simply ignore, and have ignored for years, the stark financial Tsunami of woe that has been Wasps since the Coventry move. I've said it before but will again but how can we survive when racked up over £60m losses since 2015 and the move?
Defaulted on bonds, owe Derek another £20m, about to lose the stadium, rugby results and attendances at home collapsing. Now rumours the contractors won't relay the pitch due to credit issues and now recruitment on hold.

These are not "negative rumours" or any attempt to undermine Wasps. We all love our club and want it to last another 150 years. It just looks like it is about to go down the pan, and we need to do something about it as sure as hell Eastwood and Vaughan do not seem to be . Certainly not having a dialogue with Wasps fans on how to refinance and also turn an annual £10m loss making business into a viable entity
Long live the debate!

There is a big difference between fans of the team being concerned about the current situation, and fans of a different team that plays a different sport coming here with the express purpose of spreading discord.
To be fair VV, he hasn't offended me or anyone as far as i can tell, and by that I mean getting directly personal, derogatory. You may feel the need to protect the 'precious' set that frequent this board but for me, debate comes in all shapes and sizes and I welcome his opinion, as one sided in nature as it is and will continue to be.
But your board, your decision..

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Next season
« on: July 15, 2022, 06:00:49 PM »
Comical..5th Shugs, really?, have you learnt nothing from you last 2 season predictions? Top 4 for both wasn't it?
We are weaker than last 2 season but we'll improve and be pushing just outside top 4..blimey..

Sarries / Tiger top 2
Wasps 9th

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