Always a Wasp

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Messages - BG

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I'm not sure why Ashton Gate and the Ricoh are offered as alternatives. With the prospect of no fans all you need is a  field, 2 sets of posts and a generator for the cameras and media truck to work.  :P

Maybe this is the future of pro rugby in england?


As someone cleverer than me wrote.

Covid spread is mostly based on two things:
1. How dense the population is.
2. How dense the population is.

And this, are you actually aware how densely populated cities are out here.... There isn't a magic number for this argument, you only have to be densely populated enough for it to be a problem.

I might be wrong be Raggs might be quoting someone who used the other definition of "dense".. someone who is a lot more cleverer.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Sarries could possibly avoid relegation
« on: September 23, 2020, 08:03:33 PM »
What would happen if a club.. be that with a potential 500 supporters on a Sunday morning.. or 5000 on a Sunday afternoon opened their turnstiles.

Have any acts of parliament been passed to stop that?

As far as I can see the govt/NHS/SAGE need more guinea pigs.. if it means I have to go to grounds around the UK to watch rugby.. (all expenses paid.. the same that MP's get), then I'm willing to make that sacrifice  :P

Blimey.. 1 week without Wasps rugby ..

Despite the rain today.. I think I caught my 2nd mole.. I won't know until Friday morning.. just in case Adrian is playing games with me.. again... I'm going to leave things be for another day

"Even "mild" cases can come with some really serious longer term effects."

How do you know that? I'm not sure an 8 month pandemic (welll 3 months at most)  could ever lead to a possible conclusion on long term effects.

Do you know something the rest of us don't ?

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Game Comments
« on: September 19, 2020, 05:48:13 PM »
Sadly, they will indeed be back in two years..... but here's hoping they won't!

I think everyone who knew about, or just turned a blind eye to, the SC cheating should have been banned for a long time, as you say. I don't know whether that would include any or all of the coaches but certainly the management would be included.
For me, that would include the despicable N Wray, the SA bloke who quit the board just before this all blew up and McCall at the very least.

I thought the crime they were punished for was not allowing their books to be audited, so we really don’t know who knew what and when?

Whilst I agree with the sentiment, it’s against natural justice to punish people without evidence.

PRL found evidence of salary cap infringements based on what PRL were allowed to see under the rules signed by the 13 clubs and PRL. Sarries were docked 35 points

PRL suspected much more was going on and asked to see the books of the company (probably under duress from the other 12 clubs, one of which had already done extensive investigations) which under PRL rules they weren't permitted to do

Sarries declined.

A real world analogy would be someone who has drunk 10 - 20 pints, decided to ignore the rules that almost everyone adheres to and then been pulled over by the police and refused to give a breath test knowing the sentence for not providing is the lesser evil.

The drunken driver is prepared to not "give evidence" knowing he (or she) will face a lesser sentence doing so and accept the charge for not giving a breath test.. which is what Sarries did.. hence the extra 70 points by PRL.

If what Sarries did was an act of owner exuberance then they would have allowed PRL to look into their books.. took a slap on the wrist.. move on. They didn't though.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Interesting Stat - Though Not Surprising
« on: September 18, 2020, 08:41:46 AM »
I suspect any player that is stationed or covering  in the backfield waiting to receive box kicks, crossfield kicks  is going to feature fairly highly within this statistic. Having a high carry yardage doesn't actually mean anything productive/threatening comes from it.

What's more effective/important, a 1 yard carry from a prop  that produces a try or a winger catching the ball on his 22 and making it to the halfway line before being tackled and being turned over.

.. but if it keeps a statisticain in a job at PRL or BT..

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Game Comments
« on: September 15, 2020, 05:41:45 PM »
Malins is a very handy player.

Quite expensive in housing though

And he's on loan.. so he's still technically an EA employee.

It infuriated me at the time, and still does, when all the clubs seemed to be on the same page of idignation about how Sarries were allowed to build and pay the squad they had.. and yet some clubs have then helped the EA's out by taking players on loan for a year.. effectively helping out Sarries with their wage connundrum.

If only I could spell hipocrasee

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: TRP
« on: September 14, 2020, 02:44:30 PM »
Slightly OT, but as regards the TRP I get it free via my library (Solihull) online on my tablet every Sunday morning. So you all might be able to too. Many libraries let you use the ‘PressReader’ app for free. With it you can get free instant online access to hundreds of national newspapers, magazines and often the TRP. Check your local library website to see if they give you free access to ‘PressReader’ and/or ‘RB Digital’. You’ll need a library card of course. Every library seems a little different to what they give you access to so good luck.

Isn't it "Solihull Actually" (a midlands joke)

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Wasps need a Hooker
« on: September 01, 2020, 08:17:46 AM »
He would be the obvious choice. Would the club that he's now at (was it Moseley?) have even started their season? In fact, have the lower leagues even been been given dates of when their seasons start.

The other go to club for loan players seems to be Nottingham

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Pyrethrum needed.
« on: August 30, 2020, 09:23:08 AM »
There's a couple of things that spring to mind to try and dissaude this tactic.

The 1st is concentrating on how the players"bind" to each other whilst in single file. To be bound to another player, the upper arm and I think part of front/side shoulder needs to be in contact with another player. Quite often players simply have their hand on another player infront.. if so.. that player and everyone else behind is not boound.. the ball is out.. no offside for the opposition.. opposition players are free to come around and pilfer the ball.

Another idea relates to what consitutes as a ball still being in the ruck.

The ball doesn't have to under a body to be deemed "still  in the ruck".. it can be at the base of the ruck, and in the case of the scrum, not particularly close to the 8's feet, but still part of the scrum (ruck).

So is there some sort of theroretical semi-circle, from one side of the ruck to the other side.. roughly incorporating the base area.. if so.. does a line of players protuding out the back really count as being "part" of the ruck..

From the naked eye.. I'd say no.. again, ball  is deemed out, and possibly the players in the caterpillar could be deemed to be offside if they try to prevent opposition players from getting to the ball.

I have a feeling similar ideas, laws (interpretations) were used to dissaude teams from using the mobile version of the caterpillar, the "trucking and trailer" driving maul..

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Fans to be allowed in...
« on: August 28, 2020, 03:21:41 AM » Quins game v Bath at the Stoop on 5th Sept.

Not sure why they got the nod ahead of anyone else, but they have to start somewhere, and at least it's an encouraging step for those of us desperate to get back to watching rugby.  Ricoh next??

Thank you for the link

"... and speedway fixtures next month are also due to be part of the pilot scheme."

Nothing better than castrol 2 stroke vapours  in the morning

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: 2027 WC Hosts
« on: August 24, 2020, 01:19:14 PM »
Morally we should be avoiding Russia, and treating them like a pariah.

If we want to grow the game in an ethical way, I think we should be looking to host it in the US or Argentina.

Sadly morals and ethics don't come into it.

If it did, would China have hosted the Olympics.

I don't think we should tarnish a whole nation by the actions of the elite.

The primary thought to consider is whether a country can offer the infrastructure to host incoming fans and move them around the country from location to location. I think that rules out Argentina

Russia proved they could do that in the football WC. Oz can do that as well but there are doubts about the state of rugby union in Oz and the willingness of the elite to invest to make that happen.

I doubt Russia has a vote on the World Rugby council.. but they know how to make an offer that can't be refused.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Teams Ups for Sale.
« on: August 24, 2020, 12:11:38 PM »
Blimey.. the thread title had me worried for a split second.

JTA is being asked to do a lot of work. As long as training in between games isn't too arduous then some players might enjoy the quick turnarounds

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Morning all
« on: August 22, 2020, 11:58:09 AM »
I have a feeling Sky haven't allocated channels for the BT Sport Extra channels on their spectrum.. or BT don't want to pay extra for those channels to be allocated slots considering they are hardly ever used (that and Sky don't really want to be allowing a competitor using their infrastructure.. but that works both ways.. I doubt BT are happy about Sky selling their FTTC product)

After this season concludes I think I'll be going down the NBC route

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